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Though I've been an atheist for some time now, I cannot resist the truth that God has placed in our hearts. All of us know there is a god, but suppress the truth. We just simply hate God. But there is still evidence for God.

The Cosmological argument: Something cannot come from nothing, we need an actor outside space and time, in particular the God I now believe in. Why? Because he is purposeful and moral and we also need an explanation for where morals come from and why he did this.

The Teleological argument: The world around us looks designed. The watchmaker argument stands. If I find a watch lying on the beach, I wouldn't assume it just naturally occurred, I'd know someone designed this watch and dropped it on the beach. Why? Because it clearly looks designed and so does the world, despite the rest of the universe being inhospitable to life.

Pascal's wager: If God exists, it's better to believe in him because if we're wrong we will go to Hell.

In conclusion, I find all three of these reasons to be sound, logical, and unflawed evidence as to why God exists.

April Fools!

OldMetalHead 9 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Talk about tripping balls.


You forgot the self argument. You are a God, believe in yourself Happy illogical atheist days!!!

Word Level 8 Apr 1, 2022

Almost got me


Excellent punch line! You had my coals burning brightly, about to explode.


LOL! Good One! 👍


Thank God!

Wrong! Thank Satan! 😉

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