Iceland seems to be on its way to becoming an even more secular nation, according to a new poll. Less than half of Icelanders claim they are religious and more than 40% of young Icelanders identify as atheist. Remarkably the poll failed to find young Icelanders who accept the creation story of the Bible. 93.9% of Icelanders younger than 25 believed the world was created in the big bang, 6.1% either had no opinion or thought it had come into existence through some other means and 0.0% believed it had been created by God.
It's good that Iceland is more enlightened than this country.
These days that's not saying a lot.
It is good some countries are enlightened. It would be better if all countries were.
I wonder how many of them believe in trolls?
The government requires any building of structures or roads, etc to be sure that accommodations are made to protect the elves or their areas.
Iceland is the best place I've ever visited. I wish I could live there.
If I am ever able to leave this country, I will go to a Scandinavian country. They are so much more civilized.
What an enlightened group of young people. I wonder if all the active volcanoes they have there, and all the earthquakes due to their position right on a tectonic plate boundary, has stimulated the study of science (especially geology) in their culture.
In any case, hooray for them! 🥳