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Anyone else lost your sense of taste or smell from COVID-19?

I'm recovering from COVID-19. Still feel tired. "The tiredness lasts from two-to-four months," my doctor said. "Unless you get long COVID."

Lost my sense of taste, a common side effect. That's why food has no appeal. I can lightly detect salty, spicy, sour and bitter. But no food flavors.

Took this selfie today. At 5'5" tall, I'm down to 105-lbs. Need to push calories. I'm thinking nuts are healthy and high calorie, particularly cashews.


LiterateHiker 9 May 19

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I love nuts and eat pecans, hazelnuts, almonds, and walnuts every day. They are high in calories but nutritious. You could consider adding Ensure high protein drink to you diet.


I didn't lose it, but it got wonky. Example: my son was making tacos and I swear it smelled like baked apples with cinnamon. Took a couple of months to six months to completely rectify. It was a good weight loss tool for me!


I don't want to speak negatively, but stay safe and careful.

It sounds like you are -- keeping up with the doctors and all but don't forget this is potentially a systemic disease. It stresses your whole body.

Pay attention to even things you might normally have taken for granted. (Your heart comes to mind.) Stay active but don't over-stress.

My wife recently found out that she was somewhat gluten intolerant. She put some simple rules in place and it's amazing what a day-to-day difference it's made in how she feels. I help some. We still refuse to throw away food. Ha, ha.

We're all constantly changing. I'll say it again -- stay safe.


Thank you. Good advice.


Did you get the Mono-Clonal Anti-Body Infusion? ... I did and it helped. Taste buds went south for about a week and felt like we had Laryngitis(both my son and I caught COVID about 5 days apart...ironically he caught it first). It has been about a week and a half for me and two for him and we are lucky enough to be back to normal...I am still a bit fatigued but aside from that all is good. We eat a ton of homemade granola and we just polished off 6 lbs. of Potatoes Au Gratin and a 5 lb. Ham(Pea Soup is next 😁)


Yes. "I don't know why doctors are pushing the monoclonal infusion IV treatment," my doctor said on Monday May 16. I was there for my annual physical exam. "The pills for treating COVID-19 are much more effective." I wrote on May 4:

The IV treatment must be done within five days of the onset of symptoms.

Whoo-hoo! I had a tremendous surge of energy after the IV treatment.

The nurse set up the IV in the back of my hand.

"Instead, I am going to inject this new medication called Bebtelovimag, developed specifically for the Omicron variant," she said. "Followed by 20 minutes of saline to distribute it into your body and hydrate you. People who are sick don't drink enough water."

After that, I sat reading for 30 minutes to ensure I didn't have an adverse reaction.

@LiterateHiker @phoenixone1
Are they talking about LAGEVRIO(molnupiravir)?[]

I don't have any direct experience with the pills (or indeed with COVID, knock on wood) but it sounds interesting. From the link

The antiviral drug molnupiravir was originally developed to treat the flu. Since it is an oral drug, it can be taken at home, whereas other treatments are taken intravenously or injected by a healthcare professional.

The drug is administered to patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 within 5 days of symptoms appearing.
Molnupiravir works by disrupting the virus's reproduction.

Once the virus gets inside the body's cells, it replicates its genome, which is made not of DNA but RNA (ribonucleic acid). These replicated genomes are then formed into complete virus particles which burst out of the cell and continue to spread around the body.

However, the molecules of molnupiravir are absorbed by virus-infected cells, where they are converted into a defective version of the building blocks of RNA. So, when the virus tries to replicate, the resulting virus particles have defective genetic material and can no longer reproduce. This means that the viral load should remain low, which reduces the risk of serious disease.

Since molnupiravir targets the RNA that SARS-CoV-2 uses as its building blocks, it should be equally effective against all coronavirus variants.


Cashews are good. Also try a grass-fed butter like Kerrygold. Eat a spoonful or two throughout the day. Good luck.


Achey. For the first time ever I'm feeling my age. Waking up and getting out of bed with achey muscles and joints thinking, is this what 70 is supposed to feel like? Well it sucks. Slowly getting back to my normal. Fuck covid. Suggestions to put weight back on? Steak, doughnuts, cheesecake, sticky date pudding, blue vein cheese. Whatever you do, make it fun and enjoyable.


Fortunately, I have not contracted Covid-19. At great expense, because I have virtually no social life. It can be depressing some days.


Smoothies…Fruit, plain whole milk yogurt, nut milk, protein powder.


Mixed nuts are my snack of choice, crunchy, sugar free, and satisfying. I used to get mine from Trader Joe's, but lately they have been sold out when I've been there. That's ok for now, I was quite stocked up before winter hit. I keep a large jar of nuts in the kitchen and fill up smaller containers as needed. One container is on my WFH desk. Now I just have to break my sugar addiction again and I'll be back on track.


I'm a nut. Making a meal of me would be easy if you've lost your sense of taste! 🤣😂



bobwjr Level 10 May 19, 2022

I lost nearly 20 pounds during whatever sickness I had in January/February 2020. I didn't have a LOSS of smell -- but many normal things around me smelled putrid to my nose, especially food.

Since I couldn't keep any food down, not even water some days, not much sounded good to eat during the several weeks I was sick. Fruit smoothies and fish sandwiches was about all that I could keep down when my appetite returned slightly.

Once I began feeling less nauseous, it didn't take long to get back to my usual weight, just eating what sounded good, and working up my appetite by taking walks.

Don't make the same mistake I made... I had actually gone out and bought new pants for my new skinny figure, but it didn't take long, just a few weeks, before I was back to my usual clothes again and now those skinny jeans are collecting dust. Stick with skirts during the skinny times, haha, the lesson I learned from that mistake.


"Cashew nuts themselves aren’t toxic, but the kidney-shaped shell surrounds it consists of a toxic oil called urushiol. The good news is that the toxins which are created by urushiol can be eliminated through roasting".

See the following article about Brazil nuts.

Sounds great. I am deathly allergic to Brazil nuts. Just one could kill me.


I do not understand your weight, but then you do work out and hike a lot. I was thinking that with all the goodies you make it would be hard to keep weight off. If I cooked like you do I would weigh much more than I do now.


Not so far. Don't think I have been infected.


From what I'm told, your taste and smell may return.


Hope so. Fingers crossed.

Who wants to smell? 😂🤣

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