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Do you think the age for legal firearm purchases should be raised? To what age?

PondartIncbendog 8 May 24

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Yes. 100.


I don't believe that guns solve problems so, guns should be illegal.

Betty Level 8 May 24, 2022

80 because its tough to defend yourself at that age. but is it not uncommon for peoples clutch to start slippin when they get high miles? there is no answer that suits everyone, none i can find. there are other and better ways to have guns but that is a long way from the point. point being this land is so saturated with guns already. availability, every option you could want short of a bazooka maybe. but if it was available someone would be hunkered in a ditch with it. i don't argue for giving up, but they're not going away. no time soon. be aware.

I keep getting a valve hung up. It gets better after a walk.

@PondartIncbendog walk.


The minimum age should be 130 years old.

(And I don't care if I am coming across as an utterly cynical wretch, because that is exactly the way that I am feeling about all the gun nuts and their idiot supporters in Congress!)


That is a damn fine idea! The life expectancy for a US male is 76.1 years so how about we raise the age for legal firearm purchases to 77?


No, it should NOT be raised. Guns need to be regulated and INSURED. Insurance companies will shut down the industry to avoid losses. All gun owners need to complete at least 40 hours of safety training to get a license, and additional training on gun safety annually. Personal liability insurance for all registered owners, and and limits to the amounts of ammo that can be purchased annually. Regulate guns like cars are regulated. Insurance companies are risk adverse, they will lock it down tighter than a damn drum. And automatic weapons need to be restricted to the military. Their only purpose is mass casualties and mayhem. No civilian needs one of those. If anyone wants the rush of firing one of those, let them enlist.

I like limiting the ammo. The insurance aspect has an lag time to be effective. Also, there is no reason not to limit the rate at which a firearm can fire.

@PondartIncbendog If the insurance industry gets involved they will shut it down tighter than a damn drum. That is my ultimate objective. The reason we have so many safety features in cars is the insurance industry pushed for it. Once insurance has to pay a huge settlement, they'll fix the industry like the government can't/won't.

@HippieChick58 I love the way you think.

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