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Do you think this message will offend men on Fitness Singles?

"I sent out a trial balloon," a man replied defensively after I told him I received this same lazy, canned message over 100 times. I'm tired of it. He called me rude.

He refuses to put in any thought or effort. Has an entire generation of single men been lobotomized?

Instead I will simply reply:

This is what my inbox looks like:

I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.
I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.


LiterateHiker 9 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I recently had a guy that, after making a relevant comment about my profile, sent me a finals quiz question from a logics class he had taught. He said half the class had no clue. I nailed it right off. That sort of out-of-the-box approach appeals to me ! We're still communicating so far ...


I make it a point to read the profiles before I decide whether or not to write.
My message connects to the profile in some form, either some characteristic we share, or one I'm interested in learning more about. Some profiles are absolutely barebones, and it's difficult finding something to comment about. I'm sure yours is not that way, though.


You bring up a good points. I don't think I want to respond to that lack of effort.


What is it about you that draws all the psychos?


Tisket Tasket, a green and yellow basket.
Lots of ways to find your lover:

Why don't we get drunk and screw?

Been farmin' long?

Hi ! I'm an atheist, no apologies. How about you?

Ever been to Sri Lanka, the country formerly known as Ceylon?

I quit worrying about whether women on dating sites will like me. The answer, truly, is that they will not.
Young enough
Old Enough (unhealthy)
Religious enough
A jet setter.
Their fantasy
Rich enough.
"Spiritual" enough

I don't dream of going to the beach
I don't eat out everyday in fine restaurants....or shitty ones.
I don't go to beaches all around the world
I don't live on a beach
I don't give a fuck about any God Damn beach

twill Level 7 May 31, 2022

Those appear to be "Ice Breakers".. and yeah using them Is the lazy way yes it probably will offend more than a few..


I am convinced most men don't read your profile but instead just look at your picture.

I would respond with the sentence- Read my profile!

Agree 100%..


If that is the best a guy can do, his best isn't good enough.


That is about as lame as, "What's your sign".




Je suis intéressé à en savoir plus sur vous, discutons.

I know right, you never lose it.

And what about this inflation?

No, it won't offend.

If you literally receive that message often then it must be a recommended reply.

If not, then a lot of men are the same.


/You are in the center of a bot attack.


The thing is, you can put a lot if effort into crafting the perfect message and get no response at all. You begin to think you're wasting your time. So your icebreakers get shorter and more workaday.


I realize that. I feel tired of getting the same lazy canned message.

To stimulate a reply, I put a pop quiz at the end of my profile. How hard is it to guess an answer? I always reply to written messages.

I get an email from Fitness Singles: "You have a new message."

I'm interested in learning more about you. Let's chat.

"Not again," I groan. "What a letdown."

@LiterateHiker What are the questions on your pop quiz?


Read my profile. My pop quiz:

One of these is not correct:

  1. As a teenager I skated alone at midnight on thin ice.

  2. To get into graduate school, I took the Graduate Record Exam.

  3. I stood in a rainbow.

Can you guess which one?

@LiterateHiker 😂✌️


That's exactly what I get a lot of too. I delete them immediately, and don't even respond. I assume most of them are scammers or too uninteresting to come up with something original. Either way, next.......


Good point.

On the plus side, your sobriquet does encourage a diverse spectrum of suitors.


English, please. What do you mean by "sobriquet"?


If he is too damned lazy to learn about each person that he might want to approach then he is not worth bothering with.

I reckon it takes at least three months of regular exchanges to get a basic understanding of anybody. There are some here that I would refuse to meet. There is a handful of people here that if circumstances were different I could have sex with. With others it would go no further than coffee at a coffee shop.


They're not selling themselves very well. Just lazy, or not quite bright.

Or narcissistic, impatient or arrogant.

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