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JP Morgan, Disney join wave of companies that'll cover employee abortion travel costs

JP Morgan told employees in a memo that if they live in states where abortion is outlawed, the company will cover the cost of travel to a state where it's legal, beginning in July.

The decision triggered a raft of statements and internal memos to employees at several companies beyond JPMorgan. They include:

β€’ Disney
β€’ Paramount
β€’ Netflix
β€’ CondΓ© Nast
β€’ Meta
β€’ Warner Bros
β€’ Comcast
β€’ Sony
β€’ Intuit
β€’ BuzzFeed
β€’ Duolingo
β€’ Dick’s Sporting Goods
β€’ Patagonia
β€’ Box
• Johnson & Johnson

These companies join a previous wave of corporations that had made similar announcements after a Supreme Court opinion leaked in early May suggesting this outcome. Those companies include:

β€’ Amazon
β€’ Zillow
β€’ Levi Strauss
β€’ Apple
β€’ Lyft
β€’ Uber
β€’ Airbnb
β€’ DoorDash
β€’ Yelp
β€’ Citigroup
β€’ Tesla
β€’ Microsoft
β€’ Starbucks
β€’ Mastercard
β€’ Reddit
β€’ PayPal

Apunzelle 7 June 24

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Killing babies is an awesome way to lose customers

No babies will be killed, but science and logic are lost on the Evangelical right. As you enthusiastically demonstrate regularly.


You high?

There are plenty of endangered species. Humans are not one of those.

@CourtJester Zero babies killed by abortion.

  1. Zygote
  2. Embryo
  3. Fetus
  4. Neonate/baby at birth

A fetus is not a baby. To say this demonstrates how religion has co-opted the argument.

Breaking the egg of an eagle is a federal crime because it is considered a living eagle.
What’s the difference???

@CourtJester Are you serious? Interfering with a nesting endangered species is a crime because the species is endangered, not because the egg itself is considered β€œalive.”

The egg is considered the same as a living bird by the government

@CourtJester Seriously? You’re gonna continue this? An egg is a potential bird, everyone knows this. The law protects the destruction of eggs because, left alone, all know that the egg will hatch and become a bird! So, are you seriously going to try to use environmental protection law / policy in an attempt to defend anti-abortionists?

Well then; if you stab a woman in the neck that is only a few weeks pregnant, you’ll be charged with two counts of murder. Not one. If she is pregnant with twins, you’d be charged with three counts.

@CourtJester Not in all states.


Oh, well that will solve the problem. Just get a job with one of them when pregnant. Then the woman can be arrested after getting back home for having killed a fetus while gone. You don't think red states have considered this? Really? They've just won a 50 year long war so they seem to be pretty well obsessed.

Yes, they will now treat their women as slaves. Didn't end well when they protected race slavery, gender slavery won't end well for them either.

@Druvius Hence, the civil war I've been predicting..

@TomMcGiverin And I've been saying has already begun.

@rainmanjr What you’re saying is totally right. It’s just my hope that other companies will follow suit and make abortion access available to many, many more women across the country.

As far as whether they’ll be arrested for having the procedure done, that’s another (utterly horrifying and terrifying) story. I have no answer for that.

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