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Can we forgive humans for being human?

I know some humans who are open minded about most things but totally closed minded about a few.

Will we ever be able to apply reason and the scientific method to dispel all mis-conceptions?

McVinegar 8 Apr 27

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No! we are not evolved enough yet maybe we never will be .


I say


People make mistakes everyday. It depends on the severity of the mistake, if someone will forgive it or not. Killing, nope. To prison you go. Religious people are always forgiving the killers. I would find it rather hard to do that. Only if the killing was premeditated.

@McVinegar Oh, okay. Cool.


Wait, what are you asking? If we can forgive humans for failing to meet our expectations or for choosing to ignore logic?

Susu Level 2 Apr 27, 2018

I'm going on a tangent here, but can someone choose to ignore logic, or simply not grasp it? There is objective logic and subjective logic. To ignore logic, wouldn't someone have to be shown how it works best and then still reject it? Doesn't subjectivity still get in the way though? Like getting to a solution two different ways. The "best" way can also be subjective. I guess it depends on each individual case.


Science and reason are wonderful tools, but do not address all aspects of the human condition and should not be the only tools we use to find solutions to our problems. We have to also apply liberty, equality, compassion and justice.

And, no, we will NEVER reach a place in our world where ignorance, bigotry and hatred will not exist in the hearts of many. Because ignorance, bigotry and hatred are also human qualities. Probably more so than reason, tolerance and justice.

Yes, we are not robots. To the best of our knowledge anyway.


Science and reason are wonderful tools, but do not address all aspects of the human condition and should not be the only tools we use to find solutions to our problems. We have to also apply liberty, equality, compassion and justice.

And, no, we will NEVER reach a place in our world where ignorance, bigotry and hatred will not exist in the hearts of many. Because ignorance, bigotry and hatred are also human qualities. Probably more so than reason, tolerance and justice.


I don't blame anyone for accidents.
But deliberate actions I do, I do not understand the concept of forgiveness. It does not compute.
It is part of my mental problem,


I think forgiveness and social repercussions are separate. The rule of cause and effect is real. but so is the products of nurture versus nature. How much is it closed mindedness and how much is it social construct and how much is it just a natrual chemical response to a varying soup of adrenaline or testosterone or transversely overt estrgoen levels? How much is it tramas and teachings that are perpetuating the chemical reactions ? So, in a penal community or tribe, the question is more so, how much Mercy is proper with the proper amount of punishment ? I think that it is reflective of what it is that is being misunderstood or close-mindedly interpreted, and the damage it cause, whether it be self inflecting or otherwise.


There is so much talk about forgiveness, about so many things that people do to other people. I personally think forgiveness is over rated. If someone does something wrong or hurtful, and says they are are sorry, I'm fine with that, but since I rarely carry a grudge, I don't just say you're forgiven. I just move on. If someone does something so extremely terrible, That Hurts me or someone I love, very deeply, I don't forgive them. I will admit that it is very hard to make me feel that way, but, if I do, I just don't have that person in my life. Being human is fine, but being a vile, evil, disgusting human being is not fine. Why would I want to forgive a person like that?


What's to forgive ? Human nature ?


Some humans seem to forget or deny that they/we are mammals and that seems unforgivably arrogant.

We will only ever be able to apply reason and the scientific method to dispel misconceptions among those who are willing to accept their susceptibility to error.

Athos Level 5 Apr 27, 2018

Maybe it would be good to require prospective parents to read an operating manual on how to raise a responsible human who is aware of what living on earth means.

@McVinegar When the Chinese government limited the population growth people didn't like it, but it worked. The whole world should be put on notice. Celebrities having five children need to be fined heavily for overpopulating AND for setting a bad example.

  1. Yes we can forgive, it may take time but it's possible.
    2. All mis-conceptions? Nope. Being human is to make mistakes, it's not an excuse to consciously be a dick though.

Forgive them for being human? Yes. Forgive them for being Nazis or incels or similar? Thaaaaat's a mighty tall order.

As to the second question, I don't think that'll be possible for a very long time.

@McVinegar Aye, you've a point, and it doesn't seem like something that'll happen any time soon.


for being human, yes. For purposefully making life difficult and striving to be an asshole - - not quite as easy


To answer the header is I think we can forgive humans for being human but not for being f---ing stupid 🙂 Although for a lot that's kind of goes hand in hand!

a caveat, if I may. There are people who are unintelligent by the book definition that don't qualify. Most of the developmentally delayed people who struggle with a lack of understanding are pretty kind in general. At least, that has been my experience.

It's the 'Willfully Stupid' people - those who actual could do better (but don't want to) that are the big problem.

(This message has been approved by the Derek Dykes' Association for Downs Syndrome Awareness)

@DerekD It did cross my mind to put a caveat in similar to yours but I was hoping/assuming to get the benefit of the doubt when I used the term stupid.

I wouldn't use the term stupid for LDs under any circumstances, people with a learning disability are not stupid, nor are people who are unintelligent, but as you say it refers to the Willfully stupid 🙂.

@McVinegar I would hope it's something along those lines 🙂


I somehow rather doubt it.


Yes we can forgive humans for being human. Your second question is never. Lol

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