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Inside looking out or outside looking in?

I don't know if anyone else has these issues.
I live my life from a 3rd person perspective, that is how I perceive it and that is how I behave.

I was a surfer and when wiping out on a big wave I would almost drown from laughing, thinking to myself "haha, Rugglesby you look like such an idiot, why did you do that?"
In relationships, especially when they are turning sour, I mentally smack myself around the head and give myself lectures about stuffing up yet again.

In conversations I watch myself talking to people, I plan every word I speak as if writing a script for someone. My whole life I have felt as if I am either sitting in the middle of this great confusion going on around me, or I am outside of it looking in watching this great confusion and seeing myself sitting in the middle of it. But in neither case am I part of it.

And if you think this is bad, it has been the same when I have had a gun to my head and when in the middle of love making. It feels as if I could die, watch my own death and then just carry on as normal.
I have no attachment to my life or to my self really.
Anyone else feel the same? Similar? Even just occasionally or even once?

Rugglesby 8 Apr 28

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I'm pretty sure there are times when being able to step back and look at my life objectively has saved my ass. It's useful to be able to make decisions that aren't influenced by emotion, but I wouldn't choose to live my whole life like I were watching a movie about it.

JimG Level 8 Apr 29, 2018

I've done similar things in my waking life, including going over multiple scenarios in my mind before addressing them in reality, always ready because I had rehearsed every possibility in my mind. It carried over into my dream state as well, backing up a dream with an unsatisfactory ending and then replaying it one or more alternate ways until I found it satisfactory, sort of like being the main actor and the director at the same time. Alternately I can be completely fluid and just let my imagination run riot when I am feeling creative or engaged in an activity. Often I will finish an activity and have no idea how I got to the end or the intermediate steps, it's just done and done well, my conscious mind is else where and my subconscious mind is running the show. So long as it works for you then go with it.

yes, I have that as well, it is amazing what we can do on autopilot.


I think what you are referring to is emotional intelligence. The ego, the self and the higher self are levels of consciousness. Most survivalist, people struggling for emotional support or love using live in the ego, driven by their adrenal system. Then you have the self serving materialist, who still struggle for food, shelter or what have you, who live in the self, and can sometimes downgrade their consciousness to simply reacting to their emotions and sometimes can elevate their consciousness to their higher self. You seem to live in the higher self of consciousness which relates stability in your upbringing or sometimes even more empowering, stability that you've created. Sounds like you got things under control brother. Keep doing you.

I hope so man, thanks, certainly not stability in my upbringing, still coming to terms with that, but have often wondered if how I think was brought about by my dysfunctional childhood, it was very isolated.


I certainly feel like this sometimes - as if I am watching a performance with me as one of the actors. Maybe it happens to everyone who is an independent thinker? If we keep questioning everything then maybe we start to question our own existence too. It seems to be quite common to have conversations inside your head as if you were watching from outside.

From what I am reading it seem that more people have at least some of it, which is very reassuring.


Damn.... i sometimes felt that way too. Is it being bored? Giving up? Saying it is what it is? I suppose i should be grateful and get my head out of my ass. Get off my ass and explore more new things to do.

I don't think it is boredom, for me t happens no matter how busy I am.

@Rugglesby. Hmmm...ok.


Nope, you're speaking Greek to me buddy

@SACatWalker haha !

@SACatWalker hey I appreciate the joke, it's all good my friend !!!

that is what I get from almost everybody I know, especially my birth family. It seems to be an unsual thing, it feels weird to me also, even though I have had it for almost 60 years.

@Rugglesby hey sorry man, obviously I didn't really understand the whole situation. I guess it happens and the way I see it, it does matter if I had the intent to bother you, which I had not. If there is a way to improve the conversation then by any means let me know, ok? Its not weird at all now that I think I have a better picture, ok?


Have you ‘searched the symptoms’ online..? And do you feel it’s messing up your life? We all appear to settle into behaviors people generally accept or ignore. It’s only when someone begins to operate outside ‘their norm’ that others seem to notice.. But I appreciate that, it’s like a behavioral breath of fresh air 🙂

Personally, if I’m not being spontaneous, I’ll often trip over my thoughts & delivery.. But I notice so many folks giving ‘canned responses’ that I can’t follow their sentences to the end ... it’s like they’re mimicking a movie.

I’ll sometimes live in my head ..and it appears to get worse living alone. And laughing at personal behavior seems normal. Most people have animal pets they’ll ‘view their behavior’ through the eyes of ..with the animals ‘intruperating their thoughts’ as well… I’m not there, yet. From what you post around here, you’d likely be more interesting than most to hang ..ten with 😀

Varn Level 8 Apr 28, 2018

no, have never looked into it, I mostly live with it, it comes up a little in relationships, but more from the part of be being so "in control" re emotions, and that I don't say anything that is not thought out completely. Also live in my head, and mostly live alone except for my kids and pets, even in most relationships I have, we live apart. If you are ever here, we can hang.


This piece of my art is basically the same concept. who is the one behind the fence?

@VictoriaNotes thank you so much

great art, and fits with this post very well

@Rugglesby thank you


Sounds like you have EDD

Could be a good call, I just glaned but will read it. I am emotionally challenged, extremely, aspergers

@Rugglesby I suspect I am too, but they never had such a thing when I was a Kid.
My son tests that way, as does my daughter, my grandson is diagnosed on the spectrum, and both my son and I and my grandson are very much alike in our method of thought, which is not akin to most other peoples.

In EDD you dissociate from emotions, so you either do not experience them or experience inappropriate emotions, or like you describe, feel outside yourself (a form of mental dissociation).

You surfed?
Where at So Cal?

@Davesnothere I just finished that article, nailed it, almost 100% match.
Re the surf, I am in Oz, so all up the east coast here, my daughter did Hawaii last year, but ran out of time and ddin't get to try California.

@Rugglesby I asked becuse I was curious if you ever ran into "The Surfers Church"


Damn man I feel like you pull that from inside my head. Except the surfing part. Every thing else dead on.

hey that is pretty good to know in a way, because my son is the only other person I know who can relate, so it is interesting to hear others get it as well. Most people can't even understand what I am saying about it.


on second thought it is clear that god has given you this gift. b/c she lubs you

awww, now i feel spethal.


Now that you made me think about it, I suppose that happens sometimes, to some degree.
To stop it I would recommend an activity that takes all of one's surfing!
So I don't know. In social settings I would like to have a half second delay to concoct the best course.


Not that I recall. My script writer is always at least two hours behind me - saying 'you numbskull why didnt you say/do/react this way...' forehead smack.

hmmm, similar

@SACatWalker lol! Hello!

I liked your terminology

@Fibonacci1618 thanks ☺


My first thought was to be flippant and ask " why do women have to hold a gun to your head whist making love? " but that would be shallow.
My second thoughts are this is why I do pot and alcohol. It frees the mind from constraints. Most of my creative writing has come from times like this. If not in the moment , then in the moment or the place remembered. I cast my mind back to a table tennis game over 40 years ago. The ball had hit the edge of the table, near the net. Without any form of conscious thought I returned a perfect cross court backhand from bellow the table level. It may not sound too wonderful as I relate it but I was in what athletes call " the zone. " Where there is no thought, only perfect action. A zen experience.
I lived with a lady for 15 years who seemed to have no filter on what she said. especially when in drink. Some form of ozmosis must have occured because I can now enjoy the moment more and though I still second guess myself sometimes. I can just be and dance as if no one is watching. Which is why I included my first thought.

wow, some decent insight, thank you. Your last comment re the dancing, I am so self conscious, I over think everything, have never done pot and rarely drink, well not to any extent, i do enjoy a good scotch. I am always told I am very uptight, never let my hair down etc. Bit ocd in planning.


I used to have that, but it was from being androgyne and a partial transmale. Taking derris scandens, a Thai herb, blended my two gender modes so that now I feel like only one person.

No more detachment except when I'm meditating, which is a lot.

You have me pondering now. I have this multi-mind thing, not multiple personalities but certainly different aspects of me. I can see many sides to arguments and can play devils advocate to almost anything. Not physically androgynous at all, I am a big guy with giant shoulders etc. but softly spoken, very maternal always called the gentle giant. If there is a correlation, does one cause the other, or is there another factor in play causing both?

@Rugglesby Physical appearance has little to do with it. I'm a tiny, pretty, feminine senior woman, but in reality I'm more male in hard-wired behavior traits than female, and few men can keep up with me on steep hiking trails. I can outdo them at most things, from shooting to training horses.

Studies show that male traits tend to be on the right hemisphere of the brain, and female traits on the left side, with each side a different gender personality.

With most androgynes (people with mixed gender traits), these brain hemisphere sides communicate, and the personality is blended, but occasionally, as when people are gender fluid, the personalities can be experienced separately.

I was gender fluid and suffered extreme dysphoria (discomfort from resembling a female while feeling "male" ) until I started taking derris scandens for back pain and discovered it not only stopped dyslexia symptoms, it blended my two gender modes into one.


At times I feel like that as well.

Its weird hey, I have had it all my life, and it still feels strange.

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