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How do you handle people who tell you that they will keep praying for you?

I’ve spoken times and times again about how Christianity makes no since to me and heaven and hell being completely illogical and I still get them wanting to pray for me. I guess I have to say I feel really bad for them cause it must really suck to live in a world where you’re convinced everybody that don’t believe like you is destined and sentenced to a ridiculous eternity of punishment. Talking to them really is like talking to someone with the attitude of a wall.

EmeraldJewel 7 Apr 28

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I don't mind. They're clearly not interested in helping, so what's the point in being upset by a token gesture? It makes them feel better, and doesn't harm me. shrugs


I had an over zealous roommate in college that constantly went to the Baptist Student Union for "fellowship and prayer", I used to go to the bar for the same reasons. He would tell me he was going to pray for me; I would tell him I would drink a beer for him. He then would say very staunchly "don't bother", I would then say the feelings are mutual brother, don't bother.


I first bare in mind that everyone on this planet is trying to make some kind of sense of their existence and life around us, and with that in mind when they say, "I'll pray for you," I just take it with a grain of salt, ignoring what they think they mean or are doing, and understand that they are praying to make sense of things in their own world. I'm strong enough and at peace that a few of their words do not phase me as long as they do not push, and if it helps them get through their day, good for them...

atouk Level 5 Apr 29, 2018

I had a visitor today who wanted to discuss the scriptures. I simply said:" I am not religious". And he said, you're not? No, not at all, but you have a nice day! Okay you too! He left without another word.


For me it really depends on why they're saying that. If it's because I'm sick, I usually just smile and say something like 'thanks--I'll shore that up with some NyQuil/pain meds/etc.' or 'thanks--now, if you'll excuse me, I've got doctors to talk to.' They mean well, for the most part, so I'm not gonna make a scene.

On the other hand, I've heard them say this because I'm an agnostic, and because I'm gay. In these cases, they sincerely think it'll get their god to /change/ me, and I have no tolerance for that. If they think my lack of belief or my sexuality are things that are fundamentally wrong with me, then there's no reason to mollycoddle them. If I'm in a decent mood, they'll get a 'please don't, you'll be wasting your time,' and if I'm not, I've been known to really give them a piece of my mind. I've wanted to slap a few of them, but thankfully it's never actually come to that.


I usually just say “thanks” and audibly roll my eyes


I typically say thank you, but that is not the best message Id like to convey. I appreciate this post and comments so that I can find a better option.

I might prefer to say, to the degree that you are going to contemplate my life situation in a solution oriented way, I appreciate that.


I say oh thank you so much. I will tell my cat to pray for you


I usually answer them with a strong aentence such as "Better pray for your corroded."



“Thank you I appreciate your concern for me”


It’s simple, you stop talking to those people. What I’ve discovered about religious people is that no matter how well thought out, how many facts, or what holes you poke through their beliefs, you aren’t going to change their minds. Family is a bit easier to deal with than friends because you can hammer home that you don’t believe and they’ll typically let it go. Friends, on the other hand, don’t have the same kind of connection. So it’s their way of continually trying to “fix” you.

But in any case, let them pray. It doesn’t effect your life. It’s no time taking out of your day. And they are going to do it anyways. Just live your life and do you.


I just tell them if that’s what you feel you need to do go for it. Or if a super old sweet man/lady I just say thank you.


I'd tell them that money is far more useful than prayers.


I've told people, especially on facebook, don't bother but that you for thinking of me. I'm just about ready to give up facebook.


You are definitely on the right track in your comparison of the wall. I agree with that comparison, as I myself am surrounded by bull headed people with viewpoints that are the way they are and if you disagree, well you're just plain wrong. What I like to do is capitalize on that same level optimistically in which they propose to you. I usually thank them for having taken care of that for me as I would never do this myself, as I see no purpose. Thank them duly and sincerely. This way there are no hard feelings. You won't have to interject with a "please don't" and get stuck with an overly obligated feeling of having to explain yourself. A situation precipitating to an all out argument with them, over something as intangible and fruitless as you and I see it, as speaking to an entity within their minds (and possibly out loud at a place of worship) serving no purpose for either party to which we can all agree. Unless it's someone whose relationship I truly want to deepen, who will listen vs. just waiting until they can speak, I use this method as it works very well for me.

I really do feel sometime like I’m in Resident Evil and I’m surrounded by a bunch of brain dead infected people.


I would respond with: "I'll think rationally for you."

It's the kindest response, really. What they are saying is they will perform magic on you, brain-washing you; violating your free will.
It's narcissistic and insulting, regardless of the possibility of good intentions.


I say, “Whatever floats your boat.”


Despite the very low population density in northern British Columbia, I see a lot of 'the Joy of Sects'. Apparently, when two people have a strong disagreement, the strongest curse is "I'll pray for you!"


I tell them "You are very ignorant." The offended looks on their faces on account of my answers are priceless.


I work with a guy that I don't see very often that is a devout "". We've gotten into some interesting debates which usually end with him determining that I am going to Hell. I tell him that would bother me if I believed in a Hell but, I don't so, I have no fear. Whenever he sees me, he asks me if I'm still a heathen. I say, "Yep, I sure am! And probably more of a heathen since the last time you saw me!" Then of course, he says he will pray for me. That was a couple of years ago. Obviously those prayers aren't working. LOL


If it makes them feel better than whatever. Let it go is what I'd say.


Tell them you'll pray for them to your god, who's bigger and cooler and richer than theirs.


I just let it go in one ear and out the other..


i love the facebook film showing a road sweeper removing all the prayers and wishes that were shoved in the wailing wall in jerusalem and throwing them in a garbage bag. kinda says it all !


Ignore it, move on, we know it's just talk and sometimes meant as a put down.

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