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This fall, I'm running for congress!!!
I'm running to become a member of the provincial congress in Quebec.
I'll be running for the "Climat Québec" party, a Quebec-Separatist variation of the Green Party. There will be seven candidates in my riding. My chances of winning are pretty much zero.
For me, it's an opportunity to fight the climate crisis on the political scene.

QuidamOutrepont 8 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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And your chances are close to zero because?

Let me guess...not enough money for advertising?


A man of action 👍

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 17, 2022

Over population & gratuitous consumption/greed via capitalism is the cause. Try and change that. The goal is long, but your voice will be heard & may impact someone & something.Good luck.

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