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Is America becoming a banana republic?

Has violence become the norm for power transfer in America? Do you think we can expect more in 2022 or 2024? I’m afraid we’ve broken a taboo that has made violence expected. Violence has been practically endorsed by one political party as “legitimate political discourse”. Can we ever return to an environment where the ability to compromise is seen as a political virtue rather than a weakness?

Garban 8 Oct 24

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Violence, whether verbal or physical, has always been a norm; non-violence a long-sought and occasionally achieved alternative.


Is America’s population increasing or decreasing? There are no excuses.

Curiosity abounds @Garban, is this ⬆️ the type of commentary you're looking to receive on your posts?? In case you wonder, I'm using this guy's comment as an example here being he gave me one of those angry emojis on one of my comments below, which I took to mean he got upset over something I had said.

Sorry Tommy, not hating on you here, but that's seriously not one of your more deeper thoughts there, and based on Garban's vote it appears he was wondering what you were talking about.

@SpikeTalon Werewolf, or Lonely Worldwide Libertarian, I sometimes cut through idealism or cynicism or excess verbiage [ mine or that of others ] and pretend to realism / existentialism / pragmatism.

@yvilletom Werewolf, almost Halloween...

Ah, I see.


We're already there, and have been for a while, not just since the insurrection...


For the full effect and flavor of a Banana Republic, click below...




We will be way worse than a banana republic if the Trumplicans and their army of sycophants take power, we’ll wish we were a banana republic. It will be more like mid 1930’s Germany.


To answer your first question, yes, and both the Democratic and Republican Parties are in on that, with some outside help from China.

As for violence goes, don't kid yourself, both political extremes promote what could be considered violent rhetoric. Only difference there between the two political extremes, is that the one extreme is more open and direct about their rhetoric on the matter (think promoting the next civil war on online forums etc), whilst the other tends to go about that in a sneakier and more subtle manner.

As for the compromise part goes, I rather doubt it, as neither extreme shows a genuine desire to compromise in good faith. To believe anything less would be naive.

@Garban Certain members of the "Squad" have been rather nonchalant regarding the violent rhetoric often pushed by activist groups like BLM and ANTIFA. Others such as Pelosi and Schumer have been curiously silent whenever accusations of promoting violence were directed at known leftwing activist groups. As it's been said, silence is compliance...

As for the second part of your reply, I don't disagree on that, and that's part of the reason why nothing much changes for the better where politics are concerned. It's all about defending one's own perceived political tribe, and meanwhile the independents out there can only help but keep shaking their heads in dismay.

@Garban There's nothing false about telling the truth, and I still maintain that violent rhetoric is being promoted from both Democrats and Republicans.

Why are you only focusing on what transpired at the Capitol on January sixth 2021? As if there aren't other incidents to be concerned about since before and after that fiasco. You want proof of Democrats instigating violence? You can start here- []

Maxine Waters had openly suggested to her followers to take to the streets in riot fashion if Trump would have won in 2020. Pelosi and company instigated the racial protests/riots in the summer of 2020, in which multiple major cities across the country saw intense rioting and looting which resulted in millions of dollars worth in property damage. Why do you think Republican Rep Steve Scalise was shot, who do you suppose was responsible for instigating the shooter?

Racial rioting aside, how's about something in more recent times, like radicalized abortion rights activists openly promoting violence in targeting fake abortion clinics for riotous destruction? I use the word radicalized there as such people are an embarrassment to the abortion rights advocates who are peaceful like me, and no Democrat politician has openly spoke up against such radical tactics. Sorry, but no matter how wrong those crisis pregnancy centers are that does not give an excuse to riot and be violent and commit random acts of arson. Sounds like those radicals are waging a civil war themselves. I support reproductive rights, but I won't support criminals, and instead of rioting that energy should be focused on fighting against abortion bans/restrictions at the state level. Let's not forget about this fiasco- [] in which Democrat politicians "quietly" egged-on the would be murderer. Can you imagine the outrage there would be if Jackson or Sotomayor were targeted like that, and yet the Biden Administration had little to say on that incident and in the time since they surely don't want to keep talking about that one, no no we have to focus more on the over-glorified clown shitshow that was January sixth...

Speaking of insurrections, anyone remember what happened on May 29th 2020 near the Treasury Department grounds? I sure do, and that sounded like an insurrection to me, and it wasn't radicalized rightwingers either who were responsible for that- []
I care not about Trump's over-inflated ego either, and doesn't matter if he didn't want to admit the truth that Secret Service evacuated him to a safe bunker due to security concerns over those rioting, as anyone with even half a brain in their skulls know full well the seriousness behind that regardless of Trump lying otherwise. Do you even have any idea how serious that is for a sitting President to be evacuated like that? Why are the events of May 29th 2020 being pushed aside and forgotten while all the focus is being put on Jan. 6th 2021? If fairness is the goal, I'd contend both of those incidents were bad and an embarrassment to our country.

Now for some personal, direct experience... In June 2020 I got to witness firsthand how violent and confrontational radicalized leftwingers can be, in the form of a racial protest marching down the street I live on. Protesters (dare I call them that) whom decided to harass my neighbor for flying an American Flag on his balcony, in which that situation got out of hand with them making threats of harm against my neighbor the cops had to be called to the scene. How's that for being peaceful, eh? I know alot of people who are exclusively either Democrat or Republican, and the Republicans I know despite some of their weird beliefs with the last Election being "stolen", aren't going around promoting violent rhetoric. I cannot say the same for alot of the Democrats I know though, who wish their opposition would just keel over and die, among the slightly less violent rhetoric from them. Most of my Republican friends are well aware of the fact that I'm an atheist who supports gay rights and abortion rights, yet I don't feel in danger in their presence. Violent crime on the rise in major Democrat-controlled cities like Philadelphia, it's Democrat supporters who I'd be concerned about, those looting stores etc like what San Francisco has been experiencing recently. You can't make stuff like that up, it's very real regardless of what you may wish to be the reality of things.

You focus too much on the January sixth business, we have other concerns that need immediate tending to, and since that time haven't seen organized Republican rioting like that despite all the fearmongering. It's leftwing-controlled cities that are seeing an increase in violent crime, and not just cities in the south. Might want to switch off the CNN propaganda machine every now and then, that stuff can rot your brains just like FOX can, and I say that as a friendly suggestion and not just to be sarcastic. You people gripe and complain about the political/social upheavals, and yet you people are part of the reason why all of that is going on by giving into the needless fearmongering. And people like me who aren't fazed by either side's propaganda are stuck in the middle of the irrational nonsense. After awhile that bs gets to be too much.

Lastly, if Election denial is that much of a sticking point for you, fair enough, as such is truly irritating. That said, hope you have as much disdain for the Democrats too in regards to that, because back in 2016 there sure was alot of Election denial among Hillary supporters, and to this day every now and then I still get into arguments with Hillary supporters who actually believe the 2016 Election was stolen from Hillary. For despising Trump as much as you claim to, you people sure do like to talk about him an awful lot, as if there weren't other important issues that could use our attention. I stand behind my previous response, and both political extremes concern me to no end, and it would be disingenuous to pretend that only one political side is instigating violent deeds while the other is totally innocent. Sorry dude, I cannot be that dishonest and simply turn a blind eye to all of that.

@Garban It's not a tirade or a lecture, and having a conversation is precisely what I'm trying to do, and I only responded to your replies accordingly. As if some of your posts aren't tirades against those you perceive to be an adversary or problem. I cited actual sources, including a known left-leaning source, to back up my claims, what sources did you link to? Oh that's right, you only offered opinions, and no actual sources. At least I care enough to go into detail, rather than just give a two sentence reply. How are you going to get a serious convo going from one little paragraph, and I ask that sincerely?

What's the matter, you don't like having your views challenged, you claim you're looking for conversation, but if someone mentions something you disagree with you have a fit and call it a lecture. Did I ever do that to you on any of my posts that you commented on? Of course not, and even though most of the times I had disagreed I still tried to engage in a civil conversation/debate with you, and listened to what you had to say. Why don't you just be honest here... most of the times regarding posts like this you aren't looking for conversation, you're looking for a pat on the back from the circle jerk clique on here and the pointless votes like your previous reply garnered.

Just be honest and say that's what you're really looking for, to indulge in your preferred tribe, and I won't bother wasting my time trying to have a convo with you. That said, I never ignored your comments on any of my posts, even though some of them would have actually amounted to an angry outburst. You claim in your profile bio that you look to have your views challenged, yet every time I take you up on that you either pass or give a two sentence or so reply lacking any sources. At this point, I seriously don't think you have what it takes to actually hold a structured convo with someone who holds views that differ from yours, as it's much easier to go along with the crowd and get your pats on the back. So much for being an independent. My posts are too long, eh? You should try it sometime, detailed commentary is what truly gets a conversation going.

@Garban I too for years swung like a pendulum between idealism and cynicism, each time pausing longer in realism. Welcome to politics.

@yvilletom While I get what you're saying there, and you're not totally wrong on that, it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. Politics can upset and enrage one if one allows such, or one could at least attempt to approach the subject from a neutral point of view, and be willing to admit some of the things they believe to be true may not be so in reality.

As for me, I'm fairly content to keep swinging away, as all too often I see both political sides spread misinformation. Someone has to ask the controversial questions, might as well be me.

@Garban (In best reverend impersonation) Oh lordy lordy I done seen the error of my ways and now see the light of day! I shall never roam again for as long as I breathe, praise the progressive left gods for their infinite wisdom fairness and grace! Send those conservative devils right up the river Styx, and make them face the horrible three-headed hound guarding the gates to their new eternal home! Yay to the progressive left religion!

See... something like that might qualify as a sermon of the sorts, but not my previous replies above. Think you're confusing sermons with reality and genuine life experiences there. Of course, I'm also aware of the fact you're being sarcastic now. I'll give you some internet points though for some basic creativity there, and unlike you I do have a sense of humor, and can find time to laugh even when someone throws insults my way. Even bestowed upon you one of those laugh emoji thingys, as I know how important those clique circle votes are to you.

Also, I noticed you haven't taken me up on my challenge to you (referring to the comment where I wanted to get your view on a specific topic), you're not afraid to be proven wrong are you? If you're so confident that your views are accurate, then why not take me up on my challenge? You can keep deflecting from that if you wish and instead focus on sarcastic replies, but I know why you keep doing that though, and while you may fool your "audience" on here you're not fooling me.

@Garban It's not about satisfying my ego, it's about trying to get a deeper conversation going, and I am only responding accordingly based on what you say to me. Also, in trying to get said conversation started, I am only going by what you mentioned in your profile bio, the part where you stated you don't mind challenging your own views, and I'm willing to take you up on that. Wanted to get your view on a particular topic, and based on how you answer I may or may not challenge what you say.

Being you still replied back, tells me you are reading my comments, but I understand if you don't wish to admit to that. I'll ask again, if you truly believe the facts are on your side, then why not take me up on my challenge? What have you got to lose besides an opportunity to get to maybe prove me wrong, and I know you'd love the opportunity to poke fun at me for being incorrect, admit it now lol...

If you surround yourself with only those who always agree with what you say, do you ever really learn anything new? Why do you think I comment on other's posts whom hold differing views than my own, including yours? Because echo chambers can get boring. If you really are here for conversation and not just merely saying so, and that stubborn streak isn't getting in the way too much, my offer stands, I'll be around.


In some areas of this country it already is and has been for a long time. Areas in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisianna it's 3rd World level poverty for some folks.
There will be violence no matter who wins in 2022 and 2024.
Even if the gop gains both houses it will green light violence against all people of color, LTBGQ, trans people, atheist, Muslim, Jews, etc. If the gop fails to gain the senate there will be violence against all the aforementioned folks and also democratic leaders everywhere. It will only build more until we get to November 2024.
Pod Save America's John Favreau has a new one I found very interesting.

I watched that yesterday. The guy's too optimistic for me.


Your header reminded me of a book I read earlier in the year called Third World America by Arianna Huffington. It was written many years before the insurrection, so was mostly focusing on the decline of the middle class and the growing divide between rich and poor as a sign of Banana Republicanism in America. It’s only gotten worse since then, obviously.


It will be violent in places is my best bet. There were armed men at one early drop-off place today and they were berating and calling people "mules."

I hope someone reported them. Same shit in Arizona and it's being investigated.

Back in the late 1880s through to the early 1900s is what the southern democrats/Klu Klux Klan was famous for.

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