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Discussing the prospect for civil war,...
I argued that most locales are too integrated to separate into armed factions.
The unemployment rate is low enough that people are too comfortable to fight.
The wide-ranging conspiracy depicted in " 7 Days in May " should be compared to what Trump arranged for Jan 6.
The 10 or so intelligence agencies have been corrupted to the extent that they can't or won't do their jobs.
The real tragedy is that the MAGAs are pointlessly intent on a race war, and spitefully thwart the Democrats efforts to address the class war waged by the wealthy.

racocn8 9 Nov 5

Enjoy being online again!

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What efforts by the Dems to address the class war waged by the wealthy? You give that corrupt, corporate run party way too much credit. You must have slept thru the DLC years and the three decades since Bill Clinton started the neoliberal new Dem Party. The reason the Repubs have been winning and that we got Trump was the betrayal of the working class for decades by the Dems. And they are going to lose big time on Tue., and deservedly so, because too many people have caught on to their bullshit game and will either not vote or vote Repub, just to express their reactionary hate and fears of anyone different than them, since they know neither party gives a rat's ass about their economic problems.


Yeah. It's already begun.


“Seven Days …” is a favorite book/film of mine!

Our current predicament, however, has made me revisit history — about another sort of conflict: The English Civil War. Also a clash between authoritarian and more democratic visions of government, and not as regional in nature as the U.S. Civil War. Some interesting parallels.

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