Scammers are getting smarter or they have my number on a list. I was just informed that I had won a cruise with Carnival. When the rep answered and I said, "'allo, 'allo, can you hear me?" in a fake French accent, the dude hung up.
When I’m in the mood, I answer “ Sprechen Sie Deutsch?” And repeat it over and over. The always hang up.
Switch it up a little, ask them Spreek je Nederlands? There is great similarity between Dutch, German, and English.
I don't answer numbers I don't recognize. Then I might listen if they leave a VM. I am getting hundreds of calls right now because I am turning 65 soon, everyone wants to sign me up for their Medicare supplement...
@Gwendolyn2018 My supplemental plan with Excellus has no monthly free. Plus Silver and Fit pays my gym membership. It’s a great deal
@Gwendolyn2018 Our gym has a walking or running track I can use when it’s too cold and icy to be on the road.