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Merit, talent, competence and capability should be the only criteria by which any candidate for any position should be judged.
Every other aspect of their being is irrelevant

If I am in hospital and in need of treatment Race, ethnicity, gender, generation, immigrant status, education and all else matter not one fuck to me, if they can stop the pain and save my life. I want the same for anyone who has any significant influence on the life of me and mine.


Given the number of complete wacko women Republicans in Congress, diversity is not our biggest problem.

As opposed to The Squad, I'll take the republican women you reference any day. At least they love the USA.

@Mickey Well good for you. But not for me.


And what would you propose? I agree it's still White-dominated but....what, exactly, does that mean? Should we have mandated racial groups? Is it not possible for me, a White woman, to fairly represent other groups?

Present one's case to the voters & choose. It is called democracy/republic.

@Mooolah As in...a mixed-ethnicity man who was elected President? I prefer the intelligent idea that there is no such thing as ''race.'' That's a construct...a descriptive. Some of the darkest skins I've ever seen were on people in Southern India. Would the world call them "African"? It'd be incorrect, We are all the same ''race''....HUMAN,.

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