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Do you believe in life after death

IleneFlem100 3 Mar 23

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"At birth, we emerge from dream soup.
At death, we sink back into dream soup.
In between soups, there is a crossing of dry land.
Life is a portage."
-Tom Robbins


By the, life in general yes, just not a believer in the hereafter as thought by others.....what are your thoughts???


As a friend said, when you die it will go dark and that is it or it will be light and you will be somewhere else. Sounds reasonable to me.


Think you mean existence after death. Death is the end of life.

puff Level 8 Mar 23, 2023

Is life after death possible?? probably possible , but I find it improbable based on the best present knowledge available.
I cannot dismiss the issue outright, not being one to perpetuate fake news or conspiracy theories parrot fashion, I prefer to research all the information available and then make up my own mind.

I find the biggest issue here is that people tend to gather in interest communities, like this one and political parties, which is fine, but stifles individualism, creativity and speculations.
There here is perceived need in belonging to a group for group thinking conformity.

So my opinion of life after death?
That is a good question 🙂


I believe in life before death. Journey before destination. This is it, do the best you can.

  1. Clarify your question. Do I believe in a heaven or hell? Hell no.

  2. I am an organ donor. I hope my organs can be used to help other people live healthy lives.

  3. In my will I asked to be cremated. I don't care if my daughter Claire drives to Stevens Pass, walked 10 feet into the woods and dumps my ashes. My ashes will become fertilizer for trees and bushes.

  4. As an atheist, I never believed in an invisible deity that resides somewhere beyond the clouds. The Bible is just a book of fables written by men, like Grimm's Fairy Tales and Aesop's Fables.

I use to read Grimm's Fairy Tales and Aesop's Fables to my daughter. I would never have even dreamed of reading the Bible to my daughter, the mere thought of it is utterly repugnant.


Same here.


I'm not sure I believe in life during life, you're out on a limb that can't hold me here.

Alan Watts said: "Imagine that when you were born you fell off a steep precipice. You are falling and you notice a big rock and cling onto it, but both you and the rock are falling."

@ASTRALMAX Oh psychobabble Alan Watts, listened to him as a kid, then I grew up.


Sure. The worms and bugs will have a happy life feasting.

Betty Level 8 Mar 23, 2023

I once listened to a group of people talking about an NDE, afterwards I thought to myself that some of them could do with an NLE (near life experience). 😂😂😂


Yes. Other people will continue to live after I die.


I don't believe in a xtian heaven. Some experiences I had while taking LSD has left me agnostic about a less conventional after life.

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