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Spring in the Cascade foothills brings a riot of colorful windflowers.

Balsamroot is an indigenous plant that grows in the arid, eastern foothills of the Cascade Mountains, WA. Native Wenatchii tribe members boiled and ate the roots. You can't dig up and transplant Balsamroot into your yard. Many have tried and failed.

In Spring yellow Balsamroot flowers carpet the foothills along with white Prairie Stars, Spring Beauties (love that name), purple Lupine, red Paintbrush, Yellow Bells, Bluebells, white Phlox, sedums and more. Reminds me of the Swiss Alps.

With snow still in the mountains and foothills, I look forward to Spring wildflowers.


  1. Nahahum Canyon near Wenatchee, WA. Protected by Chelan -Douglas Land Trust. No dogs, hunting, development or motorized vehicles. Hooray! May 5, 2022.

2-5. Sage Hills Trails, Wenatchee, WA. A protected mule deer reserve. No motorized vehicles, hunting, development or Cali-fornication of our foothills. Thank you, Chelan-Douglas Land Trust. Early May 2017- 2022.


LiterateHiker 9 Mar 27

Enjoy being online again!

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NIce pics of the area.




I had many of those flowers blooming in the spring on my 10 acres outside of Cle Elum. 😍

You didn't tell us you were 'landed' gentry.

@jackjr I miss living in the woods, the night sky, the quiet. I don't miss the responsibility, it was just too much for one person so I sold it.

@silverotter11 I get that as being self-sufficient on an acre of land and a house has gotten to be a real chore.


We’re getting our own riot down here in SoCal. (And, yes: flowers, too!) Best blooms are in our desert regions, but the ample rainfall will liven up Spring everywhere!


Very beautiful pictures Kathleen. If you are not doing it already I'm sure you could make money taking and selling pictures.


Thank you. Taking photos is a fun hobby.


Beautiful pictures. You are good at this. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Mar 27, 2023

These are amazing photographs. Keep posting. It’s snowing tonight in Cato, NY so some greenery and flowers are a welcome sight.



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