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This question is irrational but I'm curious

If you could bend the laws of logic in a way that allowed you to ask your child whether they wanted to exist, would you let them decide

zing 6 May 2

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I told my daughter recently that she proabably picked the wrong parents and consoled her saying: "I guess it runs in the family.. I did the same."


Why don't you just imagine your parents asking you that question?


I know my son wanted to survive. I’d bend those laws to restore his life.


I had no kids. I made the decision for them.

Me too.

@girlwithsmiles ?


My kids are gonna exist AND THEY'RE GONNA LIKE IT!!! 😛


If my son chose to not exist I would make the selfish decision and bring the light of my life into being against their will, which we already do now..


Damn i love your question, if only we could! I'd ask them for sure, my biggest fear in bringing a child to this world is precisely that they commit suicide

How and why would they want to commit suicide?

@TuyTran888 that's a wierd question, people commit suicide in many ways, where I live in Quebec province alone there's 4 suicides per day in average. And "why" is a rather complex psychological question

@PhilippeLavoie Well, if you want to fix your fear, then you need to fix the problem, in order to fix the problem we need to know why, how , and or what. No matter how complex the issue, the more we know about it the better the solution would be, or the sooner we have some solution to it. and keep working on it to get better. Fear itself is a great problem.

@TuyTran888 great answer, I'm affraid that if we had an easy solution to this problem, people wouldn't take their own lives so much, it will require futher studies in human psychology for sure

@PhilippeLavoie There are no simple solution to any problem. What we know is only the best we know how, we need a lot more knowledge to improve ourselves and not follow blindly to what people said and do.


No, I not going to let them decide on that one. I am going to help them as much as I can to deal with it. I can not let them deal with it alone if I am still alive, no matter how old they are, they still my child.


I would have to bend them a little more, so that I could ask the child on his or her deathbed, hopefully of old age and then let them decide retrospectively and I would abide by their decision.


I assume you mean to ask them before you make them? Absolutely!


actually a similar warped logic was used in a political debate about abortion (I forget where but it was recently) where a religious zealot asked the audience: "raise your hand if you wish to have never been born". Since nobody raised their hand then he concluded we are all against abortion because we do not wish it on us and anybody that is for it is a hypocrite.

My question: If hypothetically the law of logic can be bent wouldn't it be more logical to ask the child before he is born or even before conception? Is that what you mean "whether they wanted to exist"?

Yes, if it was possible to get their input before they existed.


no. you are here, deal with it.

Well, I am going to help them as much as I can to deal with it. I can not let them deal with it alone if I am still alive, no matter how old they are, they still my child.

@TuyTran888 I agree.


If it were possible, timing would be everything. The child might have different answers on different days. Many of us have been in situations where, although not suicidal, we still wished that we had never been born. That is one reason guns are so dangerous. If a person IS suicidal and a gun is handy the person can end his life almost on impulse, where most other means of suicide take more effort and planning, which gives the person time to become more rational.


No. I don't bent laws.... when I do they usually get broken.


A child should Never be asked any such question!!! W TF is wrong with you?

You sure do not know how to answer tough questions. You must have been in religion too long.

I don't know, I may have an enlarged medulla oblongata.

Sorry, but you fail the thought experiment.

@TuyTran888 dear, dear TuyTran.....i was never religious, my parents went to a truly whitebread type church that stressed personal responsibility and good intentions, not a hint of fire or brimstone. But you like ASsumptions, I can tell. Good luck with that!

@AnneWimsey well, you behave just like them even that you never really in one, or is that just a lie, I would not know, But your action speak for it self. The fact is that You do not like questions so much. That is what I was talking about.

@TuyTran888. You should avoid anger, your grammar and punctuation become just like drumpy's.

@AnneWimsey I am really bad with grammar, it isn't because I am angry. I fail grammar 101 so many time you may think it is funny.


Yes, I would let my son decide if it was set up that way. I have no idea if we have free will or what is going on here. I know something is going on and I'm doing the best I can to be a kind person throughout it. The kind thing to offer others is choice I suppose. I'm so interested in what others say!

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