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LINK Solitary Confinement: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) - YouTube

Just asking a few questions about solitary confinement...

snytiger6 9 Apr 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Solitary confinement, especially with the endless banging and screaming, is cruel and unusual punishment.


Hi! I remember the movie Papilion where a actor dramtized what it was like to be in solitary confinement how dehumanizing can you be?


The sad thing is that America's prison industry isn't interested in reformation. It's interested in funding and job security. You can't very well earn money by running a system that serves to take away your source of income.

Yeah, the "for profit" parts of the prison system are only interested in making more and higher profits.


I work 2 full days a week with the public, then come home to be in solitary confinement. Of course, I'm alone doing my thing in a 2 bedroom mobile home complete with 3 computers and 3 TV's. I hide and enjoy my self imposed confinement but I am free to go shopping for food if want to.

Yeah, even a recluse is still free to go someplace else if they choose.


I wish he could use the same logic with other issues.. don't know why he trusts pfyzer ECT

And wasn't he for the lockdown? That caused catastrophic isolation...

I have just begun to heal from the rage... It's happening less now, hopeful it has gone... Took years...

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