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LINK Bizarre Philadelphia Theft A Million DIMES - Worth $100K Stolen From Back of Truck | Daily Mail

What kind of security is this? Transporting $1 million in coins from the mint and going home to sleep? I don't know how they will launder all those dimes. An audit today says $200K are missing. I assume the Secret Service may be involved. I think it'll turn out to be inside job.

barjoe 9 Apr 14

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. . . we're gonna need a shitload of dimes 🙂



He parked a truck with $1million in it at Franklin Mills Walmart and drove home to Bensalem and went to sleep. I think it'll turn out the driver was in on it. I'm sure he'll be arrested by the end of the week. This was Thursday, I only posted it because it made international news.

@barjoe Agreed.


To launder a million dimes you sell them to a casino owner.


How much would that weigh?

BDair Level 8 Apr 14, 2023

I see it says 5,000 lbs.
That would take some time to transfer
to another vehicle.

@BDair I'm surprised they were loose. They must roll them and box them in Florida.

I read they were in bags on pallets.

@BDair You know more than I do.

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