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Religious =/= Far Right?

I've noticed a few people who I would classify as far-right (anti-lgbt, pro-gun, anti-abortion, pro-capitalism) on this site, and it seems that they aren't religious, but hold the same convictions that religious people do. This baffles me. Especially concerning the lgbt community because the argument almost always boils down to the "it's not natural" response which is clearly ignoring the facts and a very religious-styled view. Has anyone else encountered these people? What causes them to have such tunnel vision even after renouncing (or never beliving in the first place) religion?

And how do you identify yourself on the political spectrum?

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AvvarElf 5 May 3

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I can't speak about anything outside of the USA, because it's out of my knowledge base, and my interest. (Liberals forgive me if I don't think that what is happening in France is not also happening in the USA, because CNN said it.)

Religion is an inherently right wing thing, because right wing movements, especially in the USA, have religion as part of their essential beliefs. Left-wing movements in the USA are firmly rooted in secularism, marxian economics, left-populism, social liberalism, and surprisingly enough, left-conservatism/ultra-authoritarian social policies.

A person who finds little to no real truth in religious belief would be very hard-pressed to find a Democrat or any other lefty that will not disagree with them, because part of left-wing culture is to always believe in what is trendy, and to never actually hold any of one's own beliefs. They have a much higher out-group preference than right-wingers do; right-wingers simply want to bring back the old feudalistic system from the middle ages, do the same crap they have been doing since the beginning (which is repeat old crap policies) and alienate anyone who does not see truth in norms and traditions, for the most part.

There are a lot of beliefs that make up the american right and religion is certainly part of them. The left is more...well, left wing. It's a vague term without a complete explanation, but it's basically made of all the marxian ideologies.


too far right and too far left are both too likely to go over the political edge. My left wing friends think I'm too conservative because I didn't want Hillary and I don't want any more gun control. my right wing friends think I'm too liberal because I don't like Trump and his bigotry. I like to have all the facts, then make my own decisions

Odd, I would definitely say is was those too far left that didn't want Hillary, the Sanders gang and anyone even slight right of center. As far as gun control we have to do something to end mass shooting and getting rid of all assault type weapons would be an excellent start and does not even come close to violating the second amendment.

@bobhoff59 Right on, twice ~


I am a liberal political junkie. I believe that diversity in population makes us better and am vs discrimination of race, religion, ethnicity, LGBTQ status and disabilities.


My American friends consider me to be a Lefty and my Canadian friends consider me to be a Righty. They are both right insofar as I am a Liberal Libertarian and by that I mean that I think less government is generally better but because the social contract between business and society has become broken it is necessary for government to step in and try to mend that fissure. Ideally I would like to see government stick to the basics of infrastructure (roads, public utilities and essential services, etc.), national defense (that means defense only, no wars for profit bullshit unless the politicians and the arms dealers want to lead from the front and that will never happen), education (not the dumbing down to the level of compliance education but an actual progressive education), law enforcement and rehabilitation of offenders and last but not least universal health care provision (yes, just like the rest of the civilized world, the US needs to get it's head out of its ass and provide for the common good instead of the corporate profit).
As for the rest, just try to be free and at the same time try not to be assholes towards each other. A good start would be to source the funds for these initiatives by cutting overhead by getting our noses out of other people's business and letting free enterprise pick up the slack where needed and by taxing religions at the same rate as any other for profit business because they are a business and always have been, this would provide more than enough revenue to give everyone a tax cut and fund these critical government services with a surplus.


Good question, one I think the majority around here have been pondering… I see those of the ‘far wrong’ (there’s little if anything right about them) worshiping authority, or a ‘strong man,’ or wanting to be that ‘strong man.’ Therefor, they will reject institutions in which they can not achieve their ultimate goal. Somewhat like an aggressive charismatic narcissistic individual using religion as a tool to achieve their desired status … much like our US president has done.. Jim Jones, anyone? It’s not as much about religion or philosophy as it is power.

People of this mindset haunt humanity, always have. And their reckless race for acknowledgement gives them a seemingly over-sized voice, cuz they’re the ones most willing to YELL… While the rest sit back, turn away, turn the channel or quickly scamper off in the opposite direction - making them complicit in the ultimate damage caused by this (as witnessed around here) human minority.

Varn Level 8 May 3, 2018

While the far right has definite tendencies to the hard core conservative religious; the far left also has religious tendencies. Right now they are being very quite hoping the conservatives hang themselves -- hoisted on their own petards.


None of them as there all professional liars. question everything


I try to stay away from political discussion. I'll make fun of politics and politicians all day long, but that's about the extent of my involvement. My personal beliefs skew far to the left, though.


I believe we here in the US, we are seeing a shift in previously held values. The traditional values of conservatives seem to have gone the wayside to what author and commentator Van Jones would call “anti-liberalism”.... and don’t get me wrong, the Left has just as ya issues. I’d implore you to do a quick “Van Jones anti-liberal” google search and watch the video he made as he can articulate his points better than I can. Below, I’ve touched on two examples he gives in his video.

Traditionally, republicans are the party who are for marriage and families and against abortions. Currently, the LGBTQ is the largest demographic who want to start families and are having the last amount of abortions yet, this’s community has been ostracized by the GOP. You’d think they’d make natural allies.

Next, the GOP traditionally supports the entrepreneurial spirit and those of faith. Well, statistically, you’d think they would make great allies w the Muslim community as they are some of the most devout and self starting people. Yet we see a huge disdain for them coming from the right.

Politically, I am socially liberal and financially conservative but above all, a humanitarian and globalist.

I have also thought the same but about the Latino community. As a group their are extremely hard working and very religious, you would think the conservatives would be all about bringing them to the table.
But, it's easier to control people if they have a common enemy. We are told to fear "them", "they" don't share our values, "they" want to destroy our way of life. Nazis did this with the Jews, white Americans did it to black Americans, the United States did it with communist during the cold war, and the list goes on and on. It's the same tune that's been playing for the last hundred years just a different beat.


I'm not sure where I would fit. My conservative friends think that I'm a flaming liberal because I support the LGBT community, and I think that the "war on drugs" is a waste of time and energy. My liberal friends think I'm a Tea Party member because I don't want to ban guns and I believe that taxation is theft.

Smacked that nail on the head!


Conservative views do not solely belong to the religious community, and vice versa liberal views do not solely belong to the non-religious community. There are increasing numbers of Christians who are registering Democrat.

True. I think we are smack in the middle of another flip. Or is it flop this go round? It's happened before. It will likely happen again.


Hmm, I honestly am not quite sure where I fall... moderate or moderate left. Somewhere in that range though. I think I might be a bit conservative in my own life but believe more liberal in the political sense so it kind of balances out. As long as it isn't hurting me or mine and all those involved are in complete agreement, I have no business bothering with it. If a person needs an abortion I'm sure they went through all the other possible options and made a decision based on what they needed. If someone wants a gun I'd like to see background checks and psych checks placed first but otherwise, have at it. I am not gay or by but have no qualms with anyone who is. Just because I don't want or don't like something doesn't give me the right to control someone else doing it unless they are forcing it on others. Now I do feel both sides go way over board in many areas and don't like getting dragged either way. I just don't feel laws need to get involved unless it is actually harming those outside of whatever situation.

AmyLF Level 7 May 3, 2018

well don't mind homo women,as some men are jerks.However putting oneself in a anus is filthy.Not made for sex.

Are you saying male homosexuality is wrong in general because anal sex is filthy? Obviously, you think it's not for you, but that you think it's wrong for anyone really isn't your concern, and that's between consenting adult. Plus, you're talking about sexuality, not sexual orientation. And anal sex isn't limited to male homosexuals. Lesbians and heteros and everyone else on the spectrum of sexual orientation and gender orientation enjoy anal sex. And further, there is such a thing as a condom.

@oldsinner111 Whoa..time to block this alt-right nut job!

@bingst I get what you mean

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