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LINK Texas sheriff calls for charges after DeSantis migrant flights | The Hill

The sheriff’s office in Bexar County, Texas, has filed a criminal case with the county’s district attorney over a 2022 incident in which 49 migrants were flown from San Antonio to Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., the office said.

“The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office has officially filed a completed criminal case with the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office regarding the incident from September 2022 where 49 migrants were flown to Martha’s Vineyard,” a spokesperson for the sheriff’s office told The Hill.

“The charge filed is Unlawful Restraint and several accounts were filed, both misdemeanor and felony. At this time, the case is being reviewed by the DA’s office,” the spokesperson said.

Last September, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis 🌈 sent dozens of migrants to Martha’s Vineyard as part of a migrant relocation effort. Several GOP governors have moved to bus or fly thousands migrants north to liberal cities in protest of immigration at the border and Biden administration policies.

Javier Salazar, the sheriff for the southern Texas county that includes San Antonio, opened an investigation last year into the incident over concerns that the Venezuelan migrants were “lured” under false pretenses onto the flight to Martha’s Vineyard.

The Bexar County sheriff’s office’s latest move signals the office has wrapped up the investigation into the incident, according to The Miami Herald, which first reported on the recommendations, and prosecutors will now decide whether to follow them. Top DeSantis aides could reportedly be involved in the case.

The development comes as DeSantis runs for the White House in 2024. Also on Monday, California’s attorney general said the state of Florida appears to be behind a group of South American migrants who arrived at a church in Sacramento, Calif., via a private flight.

snytiger6 9 June 6

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DeSantis is trying to make people aware of the open border and wants something to be done about it. The Democraps are the ones who opened up the border and need to suffer consequences for that. I’d say that sherrif must be a democrap.

I’d say you are correct


I fail to see how a Texas Sheriff has any standing to do anything a Florida/Mass. issue.

DeSantis used Florida tax payer money to pay for a flight to transport illegals from Texas to Martha's Vineyard, with no actual authority to act in Texas.

They in essence lied to the illegals and made false promises in order to get them on the plane, so they could claim that they were "willing participants" and then abandoned them after the plane landed. The who thing was purely a political stunt in preparation for DeSantis' candidacy for the republican presidential nomination.

I have no doubt that DeSantis and his minions broke quite a few laws with their political stunt. Especially since they had no actually authority to do what they did.

Here is a news report about the republican governor calling out crimes DeSantis committed with his political stunt.

@snytiger6 DeSantis people say the virtual opposite, and they say they have signed documentation.

I have no insider knowledge either way...... do you?

@Alienbeing DeStanis' people lied and made false promises to get then to sign documents saying they willingly participated. The Federal definition of kidnapping includes the transport of people by means of fraud, which is exactly what it appears happened.

@snytiger6 What "authority" was necessary? As respects "they lied", it seems they have signed releases from the illegals in question.

All of this is a side issue to my point, which is, how does a Texas Sheriff have any standing on this issue?


I will be blunt here about these political stunts. This is a political stunt and nothing else. DeSantis is helping illegal aliens to cross state lines. ****

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