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I bet most people have no clue about this.


A very good argument in favor of term limits. 😎👍

I don't think term limits would solve anything. You would instead end up with persons who have less experience who were elected with the same super PACs and corporations funding them.

I think major campaign finance reform would be a better solution... if they could ever get it passed.

@snytiger6 You're talking about reversing Citizens United. I agree absolutely! It was one of the worst decisions in our lifetime.

@Flyingsaucesir I've no doubt that the lavish vacations and other incentives supplied to Thomas and Alito influenced their views on Citizen's United.


Sadly, he is right about almost all of that, and that's why you don't know whether to laugh or cry. And the Dems are not much better, as they continue to sell out average Americans to their corporate and fat cat donors, because they, just like the Repubs, enjoy their perks and privileges from being in congress, so they won't vote for progressive policies, even when they have the majority. Instead, they will blame it all on the Repubs..

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