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"“I have the best falls…nobody falls like Trump…fake escalator”

I have loved New Yorker magazine cartoons since a young child. This is great!

Remember when he slithered down an escalator in 2015 to kick off his campaign? Hahaha!

LiterateHiker 9 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish he'd jump off Trump Tower--without a parachute!


My sign for the first Women's March protesting Trump in January 2016. I wrote on both sides. People loved my sign.

An estimated 3,300,000 – 4,600,000 people participated in the United States and up to 5 million did worldwide.


Lock him up!

When he dies (which I hope will be soon, but not before the prosecutors have had their way with him), I will travel to wherever they bury his sorry orange ass an piss on his grave.

If there are too many of you there, it may create a lake.


There's always hope. The orange imbecile and his team seem almost ready to try to kick over the game board at this point -- a post from Daily Kos: 'Trump plans to use classified information for his defense' []


Everybody (including me) is just so impatient.

He'll be slow falling as long as the 'conservative' part of our society props him up. And they will -- as long as he is useful to extend their selfish grift. Our system is set up to give everyone insofar as possible the benefit of any doubt and people use that (unscrupulously, in my opinion) to take as much as they can.

He won't 'fall' until he falls.
As has been repeated -- Winston Churchill once famously observed that Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else.

I am (impatiently again) hoping that the next major election (over a year away) results in the American people finally showing some forthrightness -- rearranging our elected government 'for the people'.

But I'm old enough that I've had most of a lifetime accumulating experiences to tell me to be to be careful with my hopes. As Bill Watterson said well in 'Calvin and Hobbes' -- "That's one of the remarkable things about life. It's never so bad that it can't get worse."


Now if he would just slither off the face of humanity.

If I'm alive when he dies I will say "it could not have happened to a nicer man."

@DenoPenno I hope to live to see that day, too, and to celebrate! Of course, like Elvis, he will continue to "return" to his faithful fans. Unlike Elvis, he hasn't a scintilla of talent.

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