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LINK "Never again is NOW!" | Palestine's UN Rep. Nada Abu Tarbush EXPOSES Israel's War Crimes in Gaza

State of Palestine UN Representative, Nada Abu Tarbush, gives an eviscerating address to the State of Israel at the 5th Meeting the High Contracting Parties (CCW), Geneva. 17 Nov 2023.

HippieChick58 9 Dec 15

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Nada Abu Tarbus made an exacting speech filled with the truth. Her words along with her perfect ability to use the English language shows her high intelligence. I should have been watching and hearing this earlier; indolence is no excuse. 'Benny' and and, his war criminals, should all be tried and given the maximum punishment. Besides the murder of all these people, that have no connection to Hamas, and just wanted to go about their own lives, the survivors have only rubble where their homes used to be. "No innocent partes!"-yes, would that include babies?


We need to realize that there are NO innocent parties in that part of the world!

Except the children.

@HippieChick58 Of course!

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