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QUESTION Theological scholar explains horrifying reason Trump’s supporters celebrated Armageddon in Pensacolaar

The reason behind trumpkins action to call Jerusalem the capital of Israel? There's no logical reason behind his decision to do this, so does this article ring true for you?

Kojaksmom 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Admittedly, there is a coincidence occurring that may support this theory, frightening as it is.

SamL Level 7 Dec 11, 2017

This election was so terrible neither candidate Democrat or Republican should have been president.
it's a shame we cannot get more honest politicians and government. I live in Illinois look at the mess that state is in due to more corrupt and lying politicians. We real need better educated and honest politicians from Local governments to federal, how do the American people make the happen?

dc65 Level 7 Dec 9, 2017

By being apathetic and not voting.

Voting is very important, I always vote for somebody
there are other candidates besides Democratic and Republicans.
You vote for one of other parties even though you are
wasting your vote. But you say you're not happy
with the Democrats or the Republicans.


What goes on behind closed doors we as the public only find out the true nature of the beast long after the milk is spilled. However a good theory is to make his mark in history just like every president does obomanitaion false claim was bin laden, Bush 911, Clinton nafta bosina impeachment sex scandle lies killing America, Bush senior Kuait liberation Reagan the Berlin Wall. Many others well other than that affirming allies could possibly be Trump's reasons.

Please, if you could elaborate on your comment of Obamanation?

Where should I start right out of the gate he was only the second president out of the gate to get mooned by the Veterans right off he wanted to take our health care away he wanted to make active military pay for their health care out of their own pockets. I was an E1 long ago as I remember the pay was not so good at that rank. Iran was sassing us left and right he just let them carry on with the nuke program. Then there was the creation of the big problem he pulled out of Iraq before an adequate defence could be established and no sooner did he pull the troops out the terrorist started their antics. How about the supply of guns and ammo supplied to the farmers (wink wink al qaeda) in Syria.the people were nerve gassed and he did next to nothing to help the people there. If you think that none of this is true I know a few special forces personnel that would disagree with you as well as some regular military that had seen first hand this stuff go on.

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