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For all those still believing the Zionist propaganda:


Never Before Has The Empire Been So Exposed
I’ve been railing against the US war machine for around seven years now, and never during that time have I had more westerners on my side than right now.

Caitlin Johnstone
February 4, 2024
4 minutes
biden, gaza, israel, middle east, Narrative Matrix, US empire, war
The Iraqi government says 16 people were killed in the latest round of US airstrikes in Iraq, including civilians. You might think 16 deaths as payback for three Americans killed by Iraqi militants would be more than enough, but you would be wrong. There will be many more.

I’ve been railing against the US war machine for around seven years now, and never during that time have I had more westerners on my side than right now. Never has the depravity of the western empire been more starkly exposed in the cold light of day.

Usually perceiving the monstrousness of US foreign policy requires some knowledge and understanding, some background and context, and I’ve had to spend my time providing that so readers could see what I’m seeing. Now it’s just a deluge of massacred children appearing right on people’s social media feeds, with the US president proudly acknowledging that he’s backing it and bombing countries throughout the middle east to help it continue.

There’s not really any way for the imperial propagandists to spin that as anything other than what it is. They try (my god do they try), but not enough people are buying it. Too many people are looking right at the emperor’s shriveled nutsack in the cold morning air and saying “Hey wait a second, this bitch is ass dick naked!”

Everyone who opposes the US war machine has that one moment that snapped their eyes open, where they realized the media are lying to them and they’ve been cheering for the imperial stormtroopers this entire time. Syria. Libya. Iraq. Vietnam. There’s always something. And in terms of freshly opened eyes, this moment in history may wind up leaving the rest far behind.

Top ten reasons people support Israel:

  1. Their favorite political party supports Israel

  2. They were taught to support Israel and revising your worldview is hard

  3. They believe the media would never lie to them

  4. They hate Muslims

  5. They want Jesus to come back and send nonbelievers to hell

  6. Their employment depends on it

  7. They have a personality that always sides with power

  8. They want to fit in socially with other people who support Israel

  9. They hope to retire in an Israeli settlement someday

  10. They want a career in politics or media

Step 1: See the most horrific thing you can possibly imagine on your social media feed.

Step 2: Israel supporters show up to explain why the thing you just saw is actually fine and normal and should probably happen more.

Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 through 3, every day, for months.

If Israel was the moral and responsible force it purports to be it wouldn’t need a huge army of paid and unpaid apologists running around all day every day explaining why its latest documented atrocity is fine/is being misunderstood/didn’t happen/is someone else’s fault.

Israel has been the sole perpetrator of atrocities since October 7, so they keep “discovering” new atrocities Hamas perpetrated on October 7 to make it look less one-sided. Oh look they beheaded babies on October 7! Oh look there were mass rapes on October 7! Oh look UNRWA was involved in October 7! Etc.

“Am Yisrael Chai” is a popular Hebrew political slogan which loosely translates to “Palestinians should not have hospitals”.

Only liars and manipulators try to reframe criticisms of Israel as criticism of Jews instead of criticisms of the specific actions of a specific state power. Revealingly, both Zionists and neo-Nazis do this constantly.

Get out of the middle east. Just get the fuck out. Stop backing a genocide in Gaza, stop murdering people to shore up domination of world resources, and leave. Leave before you unleash something far worse than the nightmare you’ve already inflicted upon our species.
End Caitlin Johnstone

FrayedBear 9 Feb 3

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Judaism, Christianity, Islam, what mess of superstition. What a morass of sectarian chauvinism. What a crock of shit. A pox on on all their houses.


Many Christians support Israel because they want Jesus to come back and send people to hell. I think Americans had this idea from the beginning and also thought Israel was the land of god's chosen people. I've heard many say that if the Arabs were good they would get their nation too. When you look at the land situation there it is impossible. Totally impossible. Palestine has to fight for their existence but should totally ditch Hamas. They may think Hamas is their political arm but it appears more to me like wanting to be a state on their own.

It is why Oliver Cromwell allowed Jews back in to England after 350 years, he genuine thought it would bring about the 2nd coming of Christ.
All it actually brought about was the return to use of Jew burning towers in major British towns

Hamas is what you get when when the PLO and the PFLP are just too namby-pamby for you

A theory was being touted that the 2nd coming would be preceded by a big war in Israel. Some Christians actually went so far as to donate money to a special fund which help Jewish people to emigrate back to Israel. Some time ago (and I posted this) I spotted a magazine in out library's free magazine section titled the "Trumpet", after you know who. I also spotted one on Zionism. Sure enough the Trumped told of all the contributions to send Jews back and the "Zionist" printed a story which actually thanked these christian fools. SO it was and probably still is happening. These so called 'loving' christians are in this only for their own gain. They actually want to further this war. Also, too many progressives still think we have an obligation to the Jews because of the holocaust and can't see the hypocrisy in what is happening today, some 80 after the holocaust.

@jackjr it's still going on, Jack. Many in America especially have their bibles open to claim proof of this.


If Israel wants to stop Hamas, all they need to do is end the occupation of Palestine.

Not so easy as a lot of certain rights, water, oil and other resources are found in the Palestinian side. Israel is a small country with very limited resources. The number of inhabitants, Palestinians and especially Jewish are increasing dramatically. This war has caused an increase in antisemitism and the want of more Jewish people to escape back to Israel.

Sorry. HAMAS & the other Islamic terrorists should consider accepting the 2 state solution.

@jackjr I don't know about the increase in antisemitism. People conflate antisemitism and antizionism. Being anti zionist isn't antisemitic. And Israel isn't about to let land go to the Palestinians. They want it all, which is why they are killing the Palestinians.

@JonnaBononna, @Mooolah, @jackjr isn't all of Israel stolen Palestinian land?

@JonnaBononna THANK YOU. This is something most do not know. I have many secular, cultural or atheist Jewish friends. This ploy was created by the Zionist and Netanyahu and it has only served to increase antisemitism.

It was supposed to be shared after WWII but the Zionist movement started at the end of the 19th century and even back then moves were made to eliminate the Palestinians.

@FrayedBear yep, sure is.

@Mooolah you don't think they'd rather a 2 state solution than be massacred?? Israel needs to accept the two state solution. Ideally they shouldn't have stolen palestinian land for Israel in the first place. Not to say Israel shouldn't exist, but that was not ideal.

@JonnaBononna Little is ideal The crossroads of nations are always back & forth thru history. The Romans stole it. The Ottoman Empire stole it. The British stole it. The Judaics are indigenous to Judea. The Arabs & the Judaics are half siblings via Abraham. Israel accepts 2 states. Maybe not BB, but the Israelis accept 2 states. HAMAS & the other extremists seek to annihilate Israel, a democracy. There are no democracies in the Islamic world. Israeli Arabs enjoy thee fruits of their citizenship in Israel.

@FrayedBear All land has been disputed by migrants. The question is how do we reconsile our difference. Judea was stolen by the Romans. Then the Ottomans. Then the British. Then returned to the Judaics with some Arabs dissenting. So Americans should return the country to the indigenous? Thru out history the borders are constantly changing. Where does it stop? Ukraine has been in and out of Russia for centuries. The borders of the Austrian Hungarian empire has changed. Yugoslavia is no more. Its in flux, Borders are always changing & hence the dispute.

@FrayedBear Of course but for a good (not)cause - Lebensraum!

@Mooolah under Netanyahu it won't be a democracy much longer

@JonnaBononna The problem with 16+ parties making up a coalition difficult to over vote. Gaza has no such choice. Such a tragedy among so many in the world. Just too many people colliding for resources.

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