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LINK French outrage after US President Trump mimics Paris attackers - BBC News

Some International reaction to 45's NRA speech.
Note: There are much less victims from gun violence in France since the day before the Paris attack than in the US. How do the French stop so many mass shooting deaths?

Lukian 8 May 5

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It is all very well to mock Trump for his support for the NRA (But no guns allowed in the room... Have these people absolutely no sense of the ridiculous?!), but would Clinton have been any less enthusiastic in defending this amendment?! This is an American disease, Trump is just doing his job of representing it...


Add it to the list of his fucked up, outrageous behavior.


The argument that more guns in the hands of civilians will somehow decrease violence seems incredibly silly.


How is this man the President of the United States?


trump put his foot in his mouth again.

When is his foot ever out of his mouth? Actually, Trump doesn't care. He just blabs on, lie after lie, until it is almost normalized.

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