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LINK Hidden death toll of COVID-19 pandemic revealed •

A new study led by the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) challenges prevailing narratives about the causes of excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The research has produced compelling evidence that many deaths previously attributed to natural causes were, in fact, uncounted fatalities from COVID-19.
Study significance

“Official COVID-19 mortality statistics have not fully captured deaths attributable to SARS-CoV-2 infection in the United States,” wrote the researchers.

“While some excess deaths were likely related to pandemic health care interruptions and socioeconomic disruptions, temporal correlations between reported COVID-19 deaths and excess deaths reported to non-COVID-19 natural causes suggest that many of those excess deaths were unrecognized COVID-19 deaths.”
Understanding the true toll

The investigation represents a significant stride in understanding the true toll of the pandemic.

Kristin Urquiza co-founded Marked By COVID, a justice and remembrance movement, after losing her father to COVID. “This study documents the deadliness of COVID-19 and the effectiveness of public health interventions,” said Urquiza. “The least we can do to honor those who died is to accurately account for what happened.”
Excess mortality

The official count of COVID-19 deaths in the United States stands at nearly 1.17 million, according to federal data. However, this figure is believed to be an underestimation, as suggested by multiple excess mortality studies.

Excess mortality refers to the number of deaths during a given time period that surpasses the number expected under normal circumstances.

Until now, the challenge has been to determine whether these additional deaths were directly due to COVID-19 or resulted from indirect consequences of the pandemic, such as healthcare disruptions or socioeconomic factors.
Unrecognized COVID-19 fatalities

In collaboration with researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, the BUSPH team provides the first definitive evidence linking a significant portion of excess deaths during the pandemic directly to COVID-19, rather than to non-COVID natural causes like chronic illnesses.

By analyzing monthly data on natural-cause deaths and reported COVID-19 fatalities across 3,127 U.S. counties from March 2020 to August 2022, the team discovered that spikes in non-COVID natural cause deaths coincided with or preceded surges in COVID-19 deaths in most regions. This pattern suggests that many deaths were misclassified and should have been attributed to COVID-19.
Many deaths went uncounted

“Our findings show that many COVID-19 deaths went uncounted during the pandemic. Surprisingly, these undercounts persisted well beyond the initial phase of the pandemic,” said study co-author Dr. Andrew Stokes, who has led numerous studies analyzing excess mortality patterns and drivers during the pandemic.

According to Dr. Stokes, the temporal correlation between reported COVID-19 deaths and excess deaths reported to non-COVID-19 natural causes offers insight into the causes of these deaths.

“We observed peaks in non-COVID-19 excess deaths in the same or prior month as COVID-19 deaths, a pattern consistent with these being unrecognized COVID-19 deaths that were missed due to low community awareness and a lack of COVID-19 testing.”
Broader implications

Study lead author Eugenio Paglino, a PhD student at UPenn, noted that if the primary explanation for these deaths were healthcare interruptions and delays in care, the non-COVID excess deaths would likely occur after a peak in reported COVID-19 deaths and subsequent interruptions in care. “However, this pattern was not observed nationally or in any of the geographic subregions we assessed,” said Paglino.

The study also disproves any claims that mortality during the pandemic can be attributed to COVID-19 vaccinations or shelter-in-place policies.

Dr. Nahid Bhadelia, founding director of the Boston University Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Policy and Research, said that the research is important because our ability to detect and correctly assign deaths during an epidemic goes to the heart of our understanding of the disease and how we organize our response.

The study is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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It's neigh on impossible to get an accurate count for deaths from certain diseases. During the 1918 flue the minimum was 50 million worldwide. It was said the actual number could go even higher. The fact is viruses could put a strain on the body and cause one to die from something that was not directly linked to the virus, as the report suggested. How many deaths were attributed to idiots believing it was a hoax and not taking any precautions. I heard of many stories that people who were hospitalized and eventually died claiming the health providers were lying and a part of the conspiracy. To these people I say good riddance.

you obvious never had and of them mask to wear as a kid....they had a big canister you couldn't change them so they slow got harder and harder for you lungs to pull air thru we had a few of the at home that's what fucked up everyone's lungs in the 1918 pandemic

@1patriot ?? Where did you learn to write? Must have been home schooled.

@jackjr i have seen your fuckups too, where did you learn to reply to messages. cause it has fuck all to do with the topic and i guess if you can't understand it than you are slow in the started the compliment....


Thank You for posting this!


Covid is on the up take in Australia. I have several friends that have it but it is not news anymore.

Interesting how the media decides what & when to cover issues. One must glean info from many sources & vet their credibility.


The front-side-of-the-curve temporal correlation of excess deaths with spikes in COVID-19 infections is a smoking gun. I will be interested to see what further studies show about the vaccination rate among those people. I'll wager it was low or nil.


After 4 years they are still lying, many in nursing home hospitals were euthanized just to prove we had an out of control pandemic....who really care about grandmother ...
Hate Science - Fisman's Fraud - Dr. Regina Watteel - Lockdowns in Canada (Jan.31, 2024)
How the canadian government tried cover fraud of covid and death from the jab. Is this government exposing this but liberals can't handle the truth


So what was the number they came up with? Did I miss something?

Yerp, garbage site. This article badly cut and pasted from a reputable site, and they left out a few paragraphs. The death toll is about 162,000 higher than the official death toll.


What about people who might have died because they avoided doctors and hospitals during the pandemic?

Yes, they accounted for that.

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