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So what should Israel have done instead of what Netanyahu chose to do?

I abhor what he is doing. But what alternative is there. There must be one. Right? It is the terrorists that run Gaza & will not accept a 2 state solution. Where does it end? Look at Lebanon which was the Switzerland of the Middle east. The terrorists turn on each other & in the end becomes a ungovernable state. The drug gangs are included as terrorists. Haiti, Somalia, Oakland California. Ghastly.

Mooolah 8 Feb 12

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As a non-politician I really have no idea. Nuttiyahu will do what he does regardless. What should Israel have done? I do not know.

What they did was to facilitate the Oct 7th Palestinian defence of country:


If you look at the many states with Islamic majorities, what do you see: Slavery, honor killing of women, butchery as punishment, execution for LBGTQ, no real democracy. They have a much more primitive social paradigm. Should Israel help set up a new Islamic state next to them with those values? Who will run this new state? You either need a MUCH more mature population or a dictatorship. A protectorate might be more feasible. The problem is that you have an ugly history and a population that is perpetually brainwashed to hate Jews and the West (at the instruction of Iran or Saudi Arabia).

Israel certainly has its problems. The Orthodox settlers are as nutty as the Islamics and just a bloodthirsty. As is said below, both sides suck bigtime, but one sucks a lot, lot more.

Getting rid of Netanyahu is certainly a priority, but they have the same problem as we have with Trump.

I agree with your synopsis. Extremism is holding back any progress. BB=Trump.


Do you want me to care?

Those two nations are helping homo sapiens deal with excess population.

I am childfree by choice, but the process in the conflict is painful. The Arabs have large numbers of spawn. The Israelis much less so. Victory by attrition.


I am going to get hit for this for being naive, but here goes:

Years ago Israel had all the advantages over the Palestinians. The Palestinians had been boxed in to this literal corner, their very livelihood near totally dependent on what the Zionists allowed. There was a time for the Zionists to take the opportunity to make peace offerings. The Zionists could have offered a plan for what they could change Short term, and long term. A two state solution. There would have been some resistance by Palestinians due to a lack of trust. But they could have at least started the dialog and shown their willingness to end the struggle of all. Baby steps.

Now it is too late. The Zionists have ensured either the eternal continuation of Hamas, or a replacement. The Zionists have only ever been interested in what they are doing now. Despite many Israeli Jews being strongly against it.

BiBi being hanged or shot shown on a global live stream might help as a start.

Let the bashing begin.

With respect that doesn't answer the question. Perhaps I am learning that there is no answer. Few Arab Israelis rebel against the only democracy in the entire region. They enjoy all the benefits that Israel has to offer. Education. Religious freedom. Employment. Medical advances. A high standard of living. They are unheard by the media as the terrorists make all of the noise. Gaza has no elections under HAMAS. Ehud Olmert gave the "Palestinians 98% of what they wanted & they still rejected the plan. Permit the Gaznians a clean election. It will not happen under terrorist domination of poor Gaza. I do not support BB. I support the democracy, Israel. I do not support the leveling of Gaza.

@Mooolah I know, am not sure if there is an answer

@Mooolah What might Israel have done?

They might have bribed Hamas’ leaders.

@yvilletom I think they did. BB had a deal with them that lasted awhile why they prepared their tunnels & their attack. Hitler & Stalin's pact comes to mind.

@Mooolah I won’t contribute to a perhaps endless thread.

@yvilletom Sorry. I thought it was a conversation.

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