13 7

LINK Why every world map is wrong - Kayla Wolf - YouTube

Interesting how flat maps for a round world are always wrong ...

snytiger6 9 Mar 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Admin can either leave the system on.line or take it off line while doing maintenance.

Leaving it on line results in hard-to-predict behavior. Taking it off line shuts everything down.


@michelle666gar Did you tag me somewhere here? Can't find it.

@SpikeTalon Yes, I tagged you again in the original comment, hopefully you can see it!

@michelle666gar Okay, now I know why the notification for your tag wasn't leading me anywhere. I have that member blocked, and I'm fairly certain he's aware of that, so not sure why he tagged me in one of his comments? In order for me to see all comments on this post, I copied the link for the post and opened it in a web browser without logging into the site (I use the app for Android normally), so in case you wonder how I know about his comment that's how I could find out.


Seems to be working now.


Let's give them some time to work on it and get back later.

Posts seem to work for now.


Some posts are making it through:


Nope, I can't get anything to post either. It's http error 500, which is like saying "something's wrong". This is an internal server catchall error, and it looks like here it only affects posting articles. Maybe it's a PHP overload or something. This needs to be fixed on the server side. Does this site have a server admin? I know somebody updated the certificate recently, so somebody must be there somewhere. Too bad, I have some funny stuff ready to roll. 😉


@RobertNappi2 @Sierra4
If you’re having issues with the site see discussion below.


@Diaco @Ryo1 @rogerbenham
If you’re having issues with the site see discussion below.

So you could see that I was trying to post but got message site not working or clocked me out of site completely.


@glennlab @SpikeTalon
As you can see @michelle666gar and I are impacted too by whatever ails this site currently.

@Scott321 You too?! DAMN!!! I think @Pralina1 is having the same issue as well. WTF!!!!

@glennlab posted this earlier which means this may be widespread:

@Scott321, @michelle666gar I've had several posts that show up, but I can't access them when I try, it is really frustrating.

@Scott321 I haven't seen this post at all! So it's you, @SpikeTalon @Pralina1 and myself that we know of having this issue with the site! I just use my android phone for this site. Can you see this comment @SpikeTalon

@glennlab Same is happening to me @Scott321 and I.

From what I can tell this started roughly 24 hrs ago and we might be able to access and reply on threads before then. Maybe those seeing what we’re talking about here could backtrack to older posts and explain this is a glitch impacting many. Tagging regulars you know who are not on this thread might help.

@glennlab I push on your profile and see the posts about having the same issue and I go to the post and I get the screen of post unavailable

@michelle666gar I can't access them either, I think there is an issue (duh) but no idea how to fix it.

@glennlab @michelle666gar
@Zealandia had made a bunch of identical posts earlier so is probably impacted too.

@Scott321 @zeuser @Betty @Lizard_of_Ahaz @St-Sinner

@glennlab I don't know how to fix this issue either, sucks we can't post anything and have fun, but at least we can comment on here .......

@michelle666gar @glennlab
Is there anyone in charge of site maintenance?

@Scott321 I don't know 😞

@michelle666gar Clear your cache and try again...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'll try, thanks

@michelle666gar @Scott321 @Lizard_of_Ahaz @glennlab @zeuser @Betty @St-Sinner
There are some issues with routing and URL structures, it seems they're working on that!
The post's URL structures are different than before, redirecting to the wrong path!

@Scott321 Thanks, yes I was affected. I didn’t mean to post multiple times, just looked like the post hadn’t gone through properly.

@Diaco Seems to be working now.

@michelle666gar Not sure if this comment comes through . I have this problem for at least 3 weeks . I am tired re typing . Two days ago my comments disspearing too

@Pralina1 WTF!!!!! For three weeks! We only had ours since yesterday! I wonder why you for three weeks! That's crazy!


They taught us this in I think 4th grade, back when schools Taught.

Cynic. (grin)


@snytiger6 @yvilletom
Are you experiencing recent issues posting or accessing recent posts by others here?

@Scott321 I know you tagged @snytiger6 and @yvilletom but I'm having this issue, I can't post anything and I don't know why.

@michelle666gar Yeah it looks like we can access and reply to older threads but not anything since sometime yesterday. I see people making multiple posts of the same thing today so they may not be aware others are affected.

@Scott321 It's weird, I posted a few times and it says website unavailable then it looks like it posted and when I go to it, it says post unavailable or private, my OWN post! Lol!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I'm going crazier! 🥴🤪😂😂😂

@Scott321 Damn this sucks!

@Scott321 I cleared my cache and I still can't post! 😔

@Scott321 When I encounter problems like those being reported here, I go away for perhaps hours.


What every kid ought to learn, early. I loved and collected the maps in National Geographic magazines and compared them with globe maps in school.


I always appreciated "The West Wing" episode that highlighted this ...

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