I hope she is right!!
By Andrea Thompson
It looks like the you-know-what is finally hitting the proverbial fan for Fox News.
Ask just about anyone in this country, short of the far-Right, what the worst “news” outlet they can think of is, and I’m betting at least 95 percent of them will tell you Fox News, without missing a beat.
Fox and its band of talking heads — think Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham — have been one of if not the number one proponent of misinformation and blatant lies since the moment Donald Trump announced his candidacy from that golden escalator back in 2016. And those of us over here on the side with a shred of common sense to our names have been forced to side and watch, helplessly, as the network played an immeasurable role in filling this nation with hate, lies, and vitriols. Those memes that constantly going around containing directions to block Fox News from your grandparents’ TVs weren’t just funny jokes — but rather a clear sign of our desperation to staunch the bleeding of misinformation and dangerous rhetoric.
But finally, after 6-plus long, hard years, it looks like Fox News may soon be forced to pay for its sins.
Nandini Jammi, the head of Check My Ads, took to social media with this bombshell announcement: [polinews.org]
Nice to hear there may be some sort of pay back for the damage the people at fox have caused. From my own personal experience the vile rhetoric that spewed from that channel only deepened the divide I have with my twin sister. Our younger sister is also left wondering WTF happened to my twin.
While a lot of us are aware that the folks who run the network actively promote the false narrative simply because it works so well to keep viewers addicted - people like knowing who and what to fear - it's nice knowing most on this site avoid viewing.
Sadly there are other networks and people on social media that will pick up the slack but it is nice that fox is having some sort of accountability moment.
I've been so sorry to hear about this break with your twin...and all due to politics. I've dumped some ''friends'' who support the pustule but having a sister supporting him must be the SERIOUS pits!
Faux noise has been in the news a lot especially since the orange POS came on the scene. Murdoch is getting older and more senile and probably realizes having to constantly fight is not worth it. I once heard it is not listed as a 'news' source but simply for 'entertainment. Sort of like Saturday Night Live or the national enquirer. It's about time some powerful forces started cracking down on these scofflaws whose only aim is to make money and gain power. I wonder what the growing, duh, crowd is going to do to get their BS news.
Seriously? Can this be true?
Every once in a while we get good news.
Lets hope so and lets hope it's not too late.
I read the other day CNN has its lowest ratings for 33 years. I think all cable/ TV news is dying because of the internet age. Also the bias, either left or right, is turning people off. The major channels in Australia, their news, half of it seems infomercial crap and the rest just unquestionably report whatever the government mouthpieces tell them to. SBS, our multicultural channel, used to have good news but that's gone to shit the last few years too.
This is great to hear. However, Fox gets a lot of money from cable companies that put their crap into the bundles/packages that people buy for their cable and internet. Find a way to stop them from putting fox in all those bundles and then they will really be hurting...