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LINK Conservatives React to Start of Pride Month - Newsweek

(Note: copy and pasting resulted in a few format problems. Use above article link to see original article.)

Jun 01, 2024

On the first day of Pride Month, conservatives took to X, formerly Twitter, on Saturday to express their opinions about the celebratory month within the LGBTQ+ community.

Twenty-five years ago, President Bill Clinton declared June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month. His decision came 30 years after police raided The Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City in 1969, sparking violent clashes among patrons, residents, and law enforcement. Also called the Stonewall Uprising, the six days of protests further fueled a national LGBTQ+ movement.

LGBTQ+ individuals encounter discrimination, marginalization, and are often targets of hate crimes. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), a LGBTQ+ media advocacy group, reported a record spike in LGBTQ+ hate during last year's Pride Month. According to GLAAD and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), there were "at least 145 incidents of anti-LGBTQ hate and extremism nationwide" during that time.

Newsweek has reached out to GLAAD for comment via email on Saturday.

Andrew Tate, a controversial American-British social media personality, posted to X Saturday morning: "Today is June 1, 2024 and Pride Month is demonic brainwashing by pedophiles attempting to indoctrinate straight peoples children." His post received nearly 6,100 reposts and 40,000 likes as of Saturday afternoon.

Today is June 1, 2024 and Pride Month is demonic brainwashing by pedophiles attempting to indoctrinate straight peoples children.

— Andrew Tate June 1, 2024

Also on X, a photo that changes the words "Pride Month" to "Demon" has been reposted by different users, such as @Jackunheard, who wrote: "Today is June 1 and Pride Month is the demonic and satanist brainwashing by sick and twisted pedophiles attempting to indoctrinate children."

There is no evidence in regard to the allegations of pedophiles indoctrinating children to become gay, which is a common conspiracy theory linked to the LGBTQ+ community.

The ADL, an anti-hate organization, calls the "grooming" theory "baseless," saying "this false and malicious narrative has been weaponized to label the LGBTQ+ community as 'groomers' and has fueled a slew of hostile legislation and policies aimed at erasing the discussion of LGBTQ+ related issues in schools, removing LGBTQ+ books from schools and public libraries and, especially, to ostracize, defame and harass transgender people."

Newsweek has also reached out to the ADL via email on Saturday.

Meanwhile, conservative political commentator Tomi Lahren wrote in an X post, "I guess it's pride month. I still don't understand why there needs to be an entire month dedicated to sexual preference. But here we are."

guess it’s pride month. I still don’t understand why there needs to be an entire month dedicated to sexual preference. But here we are.
— Tomi Lahren (@TomiLahren) June 1, 2024

On Saturday, the White House celebrated the month and posted on X: "Happy Pride Month! This month and every month, our Administration celebrates the extraordinary courage of LGBTQI+ people and proudly stands with them in the fight for equality, justice, and inclusion."

Happy Pride Month!

This month and every month, our Administration celebrates the extraordinary courage of LGBTQI+ people and proudly stands with them in the fight for equality, justice, and inclusion.
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 1, 2024

X user RedWave Press, which has 92,000 followers, replied to the White House's post and wrote: "Happy indoctrination month. Keep an eye on your kids, the leftist agenda is coming for them..."

Another X user Paul Szypula replied to the White House's post: "Joe Biden is once again trying to divide America instead of unite. America is already for all. We don't need special months for any group. We're all Americans. We're all equal under the Constitution. President Trump promotes this truth and treats all of us the same."

In support of Pride Month, conservative television personality and columnist Meghan McCain, the-late Senator John McCain's daughter posted on X, "Happy start of pride month to all members of the LGBTQ community. This month we celebrate the bravery it takes to lead a truly authentic life - and we applaud your courage. I hope you have a wonderful, fun filled June!"

Happy start of pride month to all members of the LGBTQ community.

This month we celebrate the bravery it takes to lead a truly authentic life - and we applaud your courage. I hope you have a wonderful, fun filled June! ♥️
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) June 1, 2024

Log Cabin Republicans, which according to its website is the "nation's original and largest organization representing LGBT conservatives and straight allies," posted on X Saturday afternoon, "This Pride Month, LGBT conservatives are not just celebrating our community. We're celebrating our pride in being Americans. This year, we're honoring our shared unity as a community and as a country, and recognizing the fact that the United States of America is the best place in the world to be gay. Happy Pride Month and God bless America!"

This Pride Month, LGBT conservatives are not just celebrating our community.

We're celebrating our pride in being Americans.

This year, we're honoring our shared unity as a community and as a country, and recognizing the fact that the United States of America is the best...
— Log Cabin Republicans  June 1, 2024

Caitlyn Jenner, a conservative transgender media personality, posted a photo of herself dressed up in her car and wrote on X, "Rolling into 🏳️🌈 month like..." and added in another post: "IN MAGA [Make America Great Again] RED TOO."

Rolling into ‍ month like…
— Caitlyn Jenner June 1, 2024
snytiger6 9 June 2

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I for one am not unhappy that "conservatives" seem to be doubling down on pride hate, I think they are digging their own electoral graves.

I am just concerned that they will be doing their best to drag the rest of the country into the grave with them.

@snytiger6 This could get truly truly ugly, America has a long history of violent civil unrest.


To be distinguished from the shame Christians should feel, but can't.

They have been conditioned to believe they can lie, cheat, steal and even kill if they are "doing it for god".


I'm never involved in this but have your pride month. This is all simple. if it is not your thing then do not get involved. Simple as changing a TV channel.

Same as my view on abortion. If you don't approve of it, don't have one..


I will refrain from commenting on Jenner, but if they were looking for pedophiles they would be looking at priests and brothers. I know from experience that pedophilia is common among them.

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