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So now jingoistic loudmouth Senator Graham publicly announces the US government's intentions regarding Ukraine. It's not freedom, democracy or betterment of the Ukrainian's lot. No it's all about filthy lucre & getting their hands on Ukrainian minerals - trillions of dollars worth.

Lindsey Graham spoke the quiet part out loud when he said the country is a “gold mine” America can’t afford to lose:

A top US senator has betrayed Washington’s worst kept secret about Ukraine []

FrayedBear 9 June 14

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If the Ukraine is indeed a gold mine of minerals then we know now what Putin wants with it.


As usual, a lie. Graham's intentions are his own, not those of the administration or country as a whole. By the way, I detest Graham. Hehas not moral backbone or character

You probably say the same about Julian Assange?


There you go quoting a Russian propaganda organ again, Frayed Russian Bear! 🤣🤣🤣

However stilted the propaganda, there is a grain of truth to it: Lindsey Graham is a double-talking asshole of the first order.

And Ukraine is a "gold mine" in terms of beautiful, rich, black topsoil that produces a sizeable chunk of the worlds grain supply. We don't want that falling into the hands of a bloody kleptocrat like Vlad the Invader.

And we (the USA) do have an interest in supporting the rules-based order. We do want to help Ukraine, a nascent democracy, defend herself against an authoritarian bully's illegal and immoral aggression.

Unlike Putin's Russia, who seeks to take Ukraine and its rich resources by force, the USA wants to be Ukraine's business partner. Given the strategic importance of Ukraine, it would be economic and political malpractice to do otherwise.

I see that you didn't bother to read what Graham actually said. Lmaol, the grain is the postage petty cash in the deal.

@FrayedBear You responded before I was finished writing. 🤣

If the topsoil were all there was, that would be enough. That there are other minerals of strategic importance there, so much more reason not to let Vlad the Invader gobble up the country.

", a nascent democracy" FFS what fairy tales have you been reading? A democracy where the opposition party is banned, the president's term of office is long over but elections have been banned. What drugs are you using?

@Flyingsaucesir I responded to what you publishedvwhich was the first 3 paragraphs. You added the rest after being challenged. "It rarely never fails."

@FrayedBear It's not unusual for the normal election schedule to be suspended when a country is at war and under constant bombardment.

You must know by now that I really don't give a rat's ass what you think. I long ago realized that you are immune to fact-based logic and reason I only respond to your agitprop for the benefit of other members.

Upton Sinclair must have been staring at his stuffed teddy bear 🧸 when he wrote,

"It's pretty hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."

How much is Vlad the Invader paying you, anyway?

@Flyingsaucesir There you go again.


NO! I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you, that an American politician would tell the truth like this!!!!!

Like the Israeli Jews they believe that they are omnipotent & beyond reproach.

I am shocked it was darling Lindsay.......

@annewimsey500 Yup the dear little Leslie Jordan clone

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