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What a farce - the Swiss based peace conference that failed to invite one of the offended parties. How #stupid is this?

Twelve states refuse to sign Zelensky ‘peace conference’ declaration []

Even US Vice President Kamala Harris left Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky’s Swiss ‘peace conference’ after only a few hours on Saturday, returning to Washington before the summit’s main working day began & of course genocide Joe never even turned up.

FrayedBear 9 June 16

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Oh, bull. Some jobs are there for the VP only because Joe (or whomever your main guy is) cannot do everything and be everywhere. This is why there is a VP. This is also why some say that being VP is the crappiest job in Washington. Read up on American politics please.

You fail to appreciate real priorities because you are a selfish American complicit in the atrocities & genocide.


To have a peace talk, they must have all parties concerned at the table. If not, who ever is at the one sided party , wants a piece of them on the other side.


Putin refused the invitation, as did china. The countries that refused to sigh the declaration are big trading partners with russia and china and told not to sign. is a russian government propaganda service.

According to this other reputable news source the Russians were not invited. Furthermore those countries signing the declaration are mainly accolytes bullied by America into doing what they tell them!
I also note that the declaration fails to recognise that the Donbass regio!declared independence fro ukraine 8 years sgo. Under the un9 charter such should be recognised. Furthermore they are still wittering on about 20, 000 stolen children - an absurdity long since proven to be ukra8slander & propaganda.
Peace summit stands behind Ukraine, calls for dialogue to end Russia war []

@FrayedBear The vote to leave ukraine was a fraud run by russia and never recoginazed by anybody.

@EricJones not half as much as the fraud that ultimately resulted in Hawaii becoming an US state:



Yes, if you want peace, all parties have to be at the table.


I'd say all the offended parties were there, the offender party was not invited.

Proving your #stupidity.

@FrayedBear Proving your lack of a vocabulary and troll worthiness. A Typical Russian stooge.

@glennlab ok let's spell it out -
#1 offended is Russia whose fellow ethnics living in Ukraine have been subjected to genocide from non Russian ethnics.
#2 Ukraine which has been seduced into undertaking America's proxy war against Russia
#3 All European countries having lost Russian dupply chain because of US imposed sanctions & the destruction of the gas supply line by America
#4 the American people who have had billions of dollars wasted on the supply of munitions & weaponry to undertake the genocide of Russians & pursuit of the US proxy war against Russia rather than improvement of US homeland health systems, housing, education, job creation, repair of roads, bridges, production means & people's welfare by elimination of drugs, political corruption, poverty, ignorance, all forms of discrimination & the American slave system known as its prison system.

@FrayedBear 1. Those Russians were invaders quite properly killed.
2. Russia was most likely responsible for the destruction of the pipeline or they would have screamed bloody murder, they didn't.
3. Again Russia most likely destroyed the pipeline.
4. The weapons used were taken out of war reserve that was in many cases dating back to Vietnam and were scheduled for replacement in many cases. This was less than 1% of the total budget, so it had no impact on the congress's piss poor spending choices. While we have funded the war we have engaged in the largest infrastructure program since the Interstate highway system, so I'll call bullshit on that. Bitch about your own Aussie fuckup;s that you actually might know something about.

#1 the eastern provinces declared dependence from Kiev & Ukraine after the 2014 US organised overthrow of the Ukrainian elected government.
As for the rest of your comments they are merely conjecture as you do not supply proof.

@FrayedBear You mean the Russian invaders declared independence, not recognized by the west. As far as proof goes, you have never offered one bit of proof for any of your bullshit, so why should I? I trust my sources a lot more than I do yours.

@glennlab following the debacle of so called reporting by your media in the matters of your local politics & now the Israeli Jewish atrocities in Gaza I'm amazed that you respond thus!
And please explain the following:




@FrayedBear You have no fucking idea what I read or where i get my information from, those are opion polls nothing more and only apply to US media in large part due to that famous Aussie Murdock that you cocksuckers pawned off on the Brits then us. {The Canadians told him to pound sand). But I know how to vet my sourcesand don't believe shit that RT or Pravda publish, they were KGB founded and still operated by their successors. You do realize that in today's world that I can get news from any country in the world at anytime for free as well as the paid news services that I subscribe to. I was in the news business and that is how I recognize your bullshit when you continue to lie about the aggression in Ukraine, the status of NATO, or any other western ideas. Live in Moscow for six months, I'll bet you develop a whole different attitude about how great mother russia is.

@glennlab I don't have to live in Russia to recognise the bs published by CNN NYT, Washington Post et al. I don't read Pravda. Some 80% of RT articles are simply forwards from news sources around the world.
The aggre#ion in Ukraine started with USA causing the overthrow of the democratic government in 2014 just as they caused the overthrow of the Australian government in 1974.

@glennlab One cannot debate with Frayed, his is nothing more than a shill.


Who do you consider he "offended parties>" Please answer that real question.

Russia & Ukraine are the primaries. The secondaries are all the European countries affected by the illegal destruction of the gas pipeline from Russia to Europe & loss of supply chain from Russia occasioned by the USA's sanctions also enforced on other countries resulting in loss of the supply from Russia.

@FrayedBear As usua;l. you are playing stupid sand de4ceptie games. You used the gterm "Offended parties." Russia is the one and only aggressor initiating the continuing the aggression. Itis not an offended party in any sense. It is a threat to allof Europe. It is entirely appropriate for all nations potentially theatened by Russian aggrissive empiralism to meet and confer to form a vcommon strategy on how to shuit down that aggression and makeRussia suffer for its bruta misbehavior/.

@wordywalt it wasn't russia who attacked Donbass in 2014..
It wasn't Russia who murdered many in Odessa []
That the post 2014 ukrainian government constantly upped the oppression of Russian speaker in Ukraine importing fascist mercenaries to undertake some of the atrocities & genocide.

@FrayedBear Asusual, wqhen it omes to Russia, yuou lie.


Since it's all in the way one plays the Matrix game. Everything is lining up for the BRICS gains, which they have already over the G7. The west has everything coming to them like a collapse, by not playing fair with the east. And Only a very few are prepared for this western collapse, it's written on the wall.

@wordywalt produce your evidence Walt - you're like the xtian preachers babbling on about the holey trinity & heaven vs hell.

@Castlepaloma Like hell it is!!!!


Why America Abandoned the Greatest Economy in human History, I don't know. I'M ready for the repeat of the great depression, with tiny portable housing and urban farming, we are too much in demand.
How are you prepared?, because the Madd greedy and Goverment do not care about you at all. At all.

@Castlepaloma I have no idea what in the hell you are talking about, and I am well ersed in history, politics, and economics.


I've built enough world event history museums displays to know the difference in the lies of His-story. If your that deep into politics and follow all their deep programing , which can mean your a safety slave to their indoctrination. Where I'm not programed by any centroism, a free man.

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