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LINK Project 2025 led by the Heritage Foundation, explained

What is Project 2025? The Presidential Transition Project explained.
by Rachel Barber

The detailed plan to dismantle and reconstruct the government laid out by conservative groups known as the 2025 Presidential Transition Project has critics up in arms over its "apocalyptic" and "authoritarian" nature.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C., led an effort to create the more than 900-page "Mandate for Leadership," published in April 2023, reimagining the executive branch and presented a plan to overhaul several federal government agencies, including the FBI, for the country's next conservative president to follow.

According to the Project's website, the playbook provides a governing agenda and a lineup of people ready to implement it to "rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left." It includes a domestic and foreign policy agenda, a list of personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook.

"It is not enough for conservatives to win elections," Project 2025 said on its website. "With the right conservative policy recommendations and properly vetted and trained personnel to implement them, we will take back our government."

Project 2025's Director is Paul Dans, who served as the U.S. Office of Personnel Management chief of staff in former President Donald Trump's administration. Although it mentions Trump by name, the handbook does not directly assume the Republican party's presumptive nominee will be the one to carry out its agenda.

What is in Project 2025?

The mandate attacks several policies that former President Barack Obama and President Joe Biden instituted, including student loan forgiveness and Obamacare. It simultaneously calls for expanded executive power for the commander-in-chief while criticizing what Project 2025 members perceive as overreaches by the Biden administration.

"Presidents should not issue mask or vaccine mandates, arbitrarily transfer student loan debt, or issue monarchical mandates of any sort," the plan reads. "Legislatures make the laws in a republic, not executives."

The playbook calls for the reinstatement of a Trump executive order augmenting a president's power to hire and fire federal officials by replacing civil servants with political appointees throughout government.

It also seeks to repeal aspects of the Affordable Care Act, urge the Food and Drug Administration to reverse the approval of abortion pills, and further empower Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deport undocumented immigrants.

The plan also specifically addresses LGBTQ+ issues and attacks "radical gender ideology." In addition to calling for an end to the Department of Education, it suggests legislation that would forbid educators from using transgender students' names or pronouns without written permission from their guardians. It also appears to oppose same-sex marriage and gay couples adopting children by seeking to "maintain a biblically based, social science-reinforced definition of marriage and family."

Project 2025 generates concern

Project 2025 has received substantial criticism from Democrats, including Representative Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, who called out the controversial plan during a congressional hearing last month.

"I don't know why or how anybody can support Project 2025," Crockett said. "In the United States of America, dictatorships are never funny, and Project 2025 is giving the playbook for authoritarianism as well as the next dictator to come in."

Progressive Democrat U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts called it a "far-right manifesto" in a post on TikTok. The Biden campaign captioned a video detailing Project 2025, stating it "needs more attention."

Rachel Barber is a 2024 election fellow at USA TODAY, focusing on politics and education. Follow her on X, formerly Twitter, as @rachelbarber_

HippieChick58 9 July 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Even with the absolute GLUT of information about the positive state of the economy, there's a huge group of uninformed, stubborn Republicans who still spout the "Democrats spend, Republicans are fiscally responsible" crap which has NEVER been true. I long ago recognized this to be the curtain behind which they keep their "I deserve better treatment than anyone else philosophy" and would just cross them off my social list.

Now, however, I'm becoming annoyingly frank in telling people who say this that it's so clearly wrong that they must - intentionally or not - be White nationalists. What the heck, if they're going to take me down in a few months anyway, I may as well have the satisfaction of speaking my mind.

Since you often visit this area you might know of a great business journalist named Jon Talton. He published an item in last Sunday's Times titled Boeing and Wall Street. This is about companies all vying to get on the stock market and delivering short term returns to shareholders. Unfortunately we are all complicit in this race to the bottom as we have come to depend on investments to finance our retirements. It's not about services or products but profits especially for those at the top. These people do not want to pay taxes and see government regulations as being a limiting factor to their profits. The article talked about both Roosevelt presidents trying to bust the out of control moguls. Little has changed and those at the top want to reign totally. It's a fantastic article which points in the direction we are headed. The one thing the republicans tried to do was get rid of Biden's attempt to finance the IRS to be able to go after the 'loopholes' and scammers. This is telling. When the rich get tax breaks the deficit goes up and services for the masses goes down. There has been talk of reducing Social Security and Medicare.


The info on this horrible plan is getting out, more people are starting to realize just what the GOP has planned. Hopefully those awakened with awaken more and they will be able to get out to vote!


Terrifying, HC! This needs to be reported in every news media form in the country!

I agree and am sharing it everywhere that I can.


They have hand-picked the last three Supreme Court Justices under Trump. How hard do you think it will be for them to implement most all of their dreams? They have already, even with a slim Democratic Senate majority, managed to turn a century of precedents of their heads. With Trump in the White House, it would be a bloodbath, if not literally, at least in the rule of law as we have lived it.

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