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The COVID "vaccine" had no benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada. Here's official US government data, all in plain sight, so you can decide for yourself. If the vaccine reduced the risk of death, this data is simply impossible to explain.

Official US government data, “gold standard data,” shows that the vaccine didn’t save any COVID lives at all. None.

In fact, if anything, the data shows that the vaccine made you more likely to die from COVID.

To the estimated 21 million people who were killed or seriously injured, you should know it was all for nothing.

The single most stunning data point that nobody can explain
The single most stunning piece of official US government data is the US Nursing home data. I first wrote about this nearly a year ago. Since then, there have been no investigations. Nobody wants to talk about it. Here’s why…

I was tipped off by an insider that her nursing home, Apple Valley Village Health Care Center, located in Apple Valley, MN started rolling out the injections on December 28, 2020. Steve Kirsch 19th June 2024


FrayedBear 9 July 10

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Steve Kirsch invented the optical mouse, he is basically an electrician.
Listening to him on this is like ringing up an epidemiologist to guide you through fixing your washing machine.

There have been many gifted amateurs who have outshone the majority of so called professionals in their own fields of expertise.


We can go on with this forever OR just realize that a great many people are antivaxxers. It was the military who vaxxed me and I'm sure this is not something you can refuse. Now throw in unproven nonsense about autism and we will just bat this around forever. How many years later is it now and how many of us are scientists? How many really care?

I ultimately care what ever gose in or out of my body.
The Goverment and big Pharmacy have no legal or human right or constitutional right to force anything into our autonomy bodies. Ask most people the covid pandemic was the worst thing that has happened to their social and economic lives. Not to mention for the first time, since the dirty 30s , it has lowered the life exspancy of our lives.
It's cheaper to kill us.


Everyone I know who were unvaxxed, didn't catch the covid.
My experiment and stats facts is base on the Continent of Africa compared to Europe and North America.
Africa had 1/8 the vaccines and 20 time less covid deaths. Ivermecton , nutrition and immune system almost alway works best
Final note
Stupidity is the leading cause of death.


I've had 5 COVID shots so far, and no COVID disease. Also no sign of any other disease, even though I'm almost 65. All my family and friends, with very few exceptions, can say the same.

Assuming the red arrows are even placed accurately on the graph, it doesn't necessarily mean what you say it means.

It's much more likely that you have fallen into a common fallacy afflicting the simple-minded among us. It's known by the Latin words that describe it: post hoc ergo propter hoc. Look it up.


"So you can decide for yourself." ?? Oh, can we? That's very good of you, except we can't, not as far as you are concerned. How long has this debate gone on? Have you or I managed to change anybody's position regarding the vax? No, we made our decision years ago when it came out and all you are doing is reinforcing your own position.
One questions why you are doing this. It is certainly not for anyone who has got the vax. We are not about to "unvax" ourselves or suddenly agree with you. I suggest that this post and others like it are more to convince you rather than us!

Perhaps Kelvin instead of continuing to pretend cognitive dissonance on your choice & the fact that you & the rest of the world have been duped by another American con trick, try taking control of your life by demanding that those responsible for the con & those complicit in it be brought to book.

@FrayedBear Again you miss the point. You made your decision and I made mine. I am not about to even try and change your mind to what the vast majority of medical opinion is on this subject. That would be futile, stupid and more importantly divisive. Now I know that division is incredibly fashionable atm but then again so is Botox.
My point is that maybe it is time to relegate this debate to the same place we have left OJ. Simson, Michael Jackson and which end of a boiled egg the Lilliputians should open. In short this a dead parrot, it has ceased to be, it is an ex-thing that anyone (apart from fanatics) can be arsed arguing about!

@FrayedBear ummmmm, can anybody be as stupid as you are without being Willfully so?
Asking for my friends on here...........

@273kelvin No no no. Fuck them. They committed crimes against humanity by coercing medical treatment and putting in place discriminatory legislation which discriminated against a specific group.
The problem with our Western civilizations is a failure to enforce the rule of law. Many, many businesses were ruined by covid responses and children's education and social development suffered greatly. Crimes were committed and need to be punished or it will happen again.
If posts by @FrayedBear and others are "confirmation bias" in your opinion please reflect on the amount of pro-covid medicine (not a vaccine, not stopping transmission) confirmation bias we all put up with for 3 years.
By letting those responsible commit this crime against humanity with zero accountability dishonours all who sacrificed fighting Nazi's. Forced experimental medicines is not on. And as the "vaccine" is less than 5 years old from it's first trial, it is still experimental, needing emergency authorisation to be on the market.

@puff ohferpetessake, get some facts.....

@annewimsey500 Facts, firmer facts due to the passage of time are continuously coming out eg long term data. We are still learning and as more time passes we are finding out the "safe and effective" medicine is not living up to the standard it was sold as.
Don't you like science?

@puff I like Actual science, not injecting bleach or putting light bulbs up my ass.....or killing off my heart with

@annewimsey500 I subscribe to the scientific method of discovery. Also big on the need for freely given informed consent for all medical treatment with no coercion.
Scientific peer review I also accept because science aka knowledge is free. So when companies seek to secrete away all their data for 75 years and patent viruses so only that company may research.........that is not peer review nor science. It is research to benefit a companies bottom line rather than the good of humanity.

@puff in the middle of the pandemic i was So Happy when necessary personnel had to be vaccinated so if I or a loved one had to dial 911 for a problem they wouldn't give me/them a bigger one, to cite just one example

@annewimsey500 And now those professions have recruitment problems and are overworked. Sacked even though many were ready to look after others, putting themselves in danger, when no vaccine was available. Many caught it and recovered. So when the vaccine came around and they were informed "take it or you are no longer employed" they knew full well it was not about public health or safety. They knew full well no point being vaccinated if you had already had the disease aka natural immunity.
This argument only goes on because covid vaccines are a failure as a vaccine. If they actually worked, no argument.

@puff No offence Puff but considering you are totally convinced that Trump won in 2020...

@273kelvin ffs Kelvin its not like you to be so illogical.

@273kelvin, @annewimsey500 " in the middle of the pandemic i was So Happy when necessary personnel had to be vaccinated so if I or a loved one had to dial 911 for a problem they wouldn't give me/them a bigger one, to cite just one example" you now prove that you're incompetently deluded. The vaccine was never intended to prevent you spreading the infection nor by being infected by others.

@FrayedBear True it was intended to lessen the effects of infection although it did reduce proliferation in its early variant.
I have already told you about my brother and his anti-vax stance. I am still alive, he is not, end of.

@273kelvin your brother was not you. The comparison has little significance.


Since I had Covid and spent a month off work because of it the best I can say is thankfully the vaccine did not kill me. Let's go on and beat a dead horse - again.

Regarding your impending death - give it time, never hurry the grim reaper!

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