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Intelligent life out there..or are we alone?

Would it be more frightening to discover that humans are the most advanced species in the universe or that we are far from being the most advanced species in the universe?

  • 21 votes
  • 1 vote
Hitchens 8 May 7

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This is not a yes or no question it is a choice between two options, sorry to be an English Nazi but WTF.

Yes...There is intelligent life out there.
No...We are alone there is no intelligent life out there.

This is not a yes or no question, it is a choice between two options. Sorry to be an English Nazi, but what the fuck?

This is silly, random & fun. Sorry to be a grammar Nazi but I have corrected yours. ???

@Hitchens I read your full question and that is not what it asked the idea of the title is as a title not your question which is not a yes or no question plain and simple. Keep it cohesive there son.

I tell you what pal, I will agree to Keep the question formats simpler and easier to understand in future, if you will indulge the reader, by occasionally using at least some punctuation, which may lend some clarity and credibility to your query.

Furthermore you need not apologise for refering to yourself as an "English Nazi" , since I suspect you meant Grammar Police. Clearly you are neither English, or qualified to be considered a member of the Grammar Police. And I feel sure you not an Nazi.

You have succeeded in making the post unintentionally amusing by the nature of the poll's title, which incidentally you chose not to attempt to answer..son. ???


If humans are the most advanced, not only are we doomed nothing stands a chance. There's actually very little intelligent life on our little chunk of rock.

Yes it's pretty grim...but maybe progressive communities like us our our last hope..???


The thought that we are the most advanced species is really scary!


I've seen so many UFOs over the years in both Haiti and the US, can't count them all. Usually with friends and crowds of others-one even followed my husband and me during a trip for about 300 miles in 1973, but I stopped seeing them very much after the late 1970s.
Cloaking devices, maybe?

I saw one space vehicle above my Kentucky farm, about the size of a small house, that was obviously human made..kind of clunky and movie set-ish, in 1999, while star gazing with a new boyfriend. I felt disgusted at the time that our government is being so "cloak and dagger" about such sightings..mocking people who report UFOs, etc.

See the documentary, "Unacknowledged" on YouTube or Netflix, for videos of world leaders, US presidents, astronauts, NSA agents, and scientists admitting that our goverment is doing an aggressive cover-up of anything to do with alien life, supposedly to avoid panic and/or collapse of financial markets, but actually to avoid sharing the technology.

By the way, if you start to troll me over this comment, I will just block you.

I have seen most if not all of the better documentaries and the calibre of the witnesses is very impressive. Especially the most recent one filmed by the U.S air force. They cannot explain it. They picked it up on their specialist range cameras..and has been verified as being authentic and of having technology not of this world.


I think chances are there is more life somewhere, its seems inconceiveable that we are alone. Saying that who knows whether its intelligent or not. We define intelligence by a set of rules (a stick of broccili has 10 IQ points apparently) they may have a completely different set of rules.

Yes it would be a shame if there wasn't. And I was really thinking of intelligent life in terms of actual developed civilisations.

@Hitchens You can't go changing the rules now 😉 Oh and what is civilisation? Again our reality is not necessarily their's. Maybe for these beings civilisation is being blobs living in a vat of goo...who knows. We are limited by our own experiences.

@Amisja ? well if they are blobs living in vats of goo I would very much like to meet them and shake their blobby goos. I wouldn't try to mate with them though..sounds a little too messy.

@Hitchens hahaha


You call this intelligent life. Pretty low bar.

Yep the very question could fairly be considered a contradiction in terms. Thank you 48.


Universe is far too large for me to think humans are the most intelligent beings out here.

What's probably true of intelligent civilisation in our Galaxy is doubly so of the Universe...for sure.


There is more than one question here, so I answered the title question.

Thank you seems so far everyone believes we are one of many civilisations.


it's a bit nieve to think anything else I think.

Yes Leigh..I would go further and say it's arrogant and short sighted to assume we are the only organised and developed civilisation in existence.

@Hitchens yes I agree. there is no surprise why we haven't seen them really either. most will just be too far away and the others will be way more advanced than us or way more behind us like bacteria etc. we could be an experiment or this could be a prison type planet for all we know.

@LeighShelton yes it feels like a weird experiment on endurance, patience, mind control, brain washing, and convincing the United States populace that Apple's are in fact you think Trump is getting a back hander from our alien friends for helping them out with some of their experiments...tremendous...

@Hitchens it's very possible especially if you have watched the film "they live"

he is the kind of sell-out prick who would or is doing this and our bitch Theresa fucking May

@LeighShelton it wouldn't play..ill have to go on utube later to have a gander.
But yes nothing would surprise me on that score...

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