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What are your preferred pronouns? Or do you not care? I'm a woman, but I don't mind if people use male pronouns for me.

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Ren88 5 May 8

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I get confused as to who someone is talking about if the pronoun does not match their apparent sex.


I don't care. I have ones for me and I don't ask others to use them.


I try to use gender neutral pronouns so nobody gets upset, I don't care what is used to refer to me.


I don't care, I just know with how much I see "sex" in this poll I now just want sex.


By default, I tend to call dogs "he" and babies "it" until I know their gender.


I am ok w calling me by my bio sex pronoun. I struggle with the neutral pronouns "it" and "they", because I was severely taught that using those in the newer way is improper, grammatically. I wish we had a new pronoun for gender neutrality.

Zster Level 8 May 8, 2018

Why is this even a thing? Are we that desperate to find things to get offended by?
What happened to he or she? Why do we need to complicate this? I just don’t understand. If you’re a male, you’re a he. If you’re a female, you’re a she. Who really cares what they “identify” as? Christian, gun toting right wingers?
I’m rapidly coming up on 40, is it ok if I “identify” as 64, stop working, and start collecting my social security? No, right?? Why though? If gender can be changed on a birth certificate why can’t age?

If you are as comfortable and proud as you say you are in your whatever identity, why would you take such offense to such a stupid ass thing? Just STFU and live your life; preferably as far away from social media as possible.
If the biggest problem in your life is wether or not the rest of the world hasn’t completely followed you into your delusion, I’m just gonna call you irrelevant and walk away.

I think that with many other things like school shootings, etc, we just need to stop talking about this and it’ll subside. Seriously. There are much bigger issues at hand.

@Ren88 yeah maybe lol. I just watched a YouTube thing from some asshat conservative arguing with some pronoun person, so I was a little riled up. ?
All the fighting about who should be less intense has made me more intense.


I prefer the amateur nouns, like guys, dudes, kids, peeps and beloved.

I am going to start using peeps and beloved the next business meeting I have. "Thank you for joining us today peeps and beloved.. .."

@JustinPalmer Give you that urban preacher vibe.


I’m obvious cis male so it’s pretty easy for others. When in the party of trans people, I’ll use whatever pronoun they prefer. However, I have to confess that it’s extremely hard to break ingrained habits and I feel horrible when I accidentally address a trans person with their wrong pronoun. I can only hope that they understand and forgive me when this happens.


I'll use whichever pronouns a person wishes me to use in reference to them.

vita Level 7 May 8, 2018

I've got all the white cis-male privileges. You may address me as "Your eminence" 😉

@Ren88 what if I put TWO winky faces. Would that help? 😉 😉


I like "it." Worked for this guy:


Doesn't matter to me. They were all decided arbitrarily anyway. I'll use anyone's preferred pronouns but may need a reminder. I remember faces but lose details.


I'm male. I'd much prefer to be referred to as such. In return I call people by whatever they prefer.

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