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I'm curious. I would like to know if there are some who would be okay if this country was under authoritarian rule.
So, I'll keep the question simple.
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Would you be okay with an authoritarian rule?

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Unity 8 Aug 5

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Funny how CaptainFeelgood and the other right wingers are noticeably absent, about showing up on this thread and openly voting for authoritarianism, which their guy Trump promotes?


I find it offensive that , I know, here I go! This country before the colonizers came, half of it was Mexico and the other was Native American, I shouldn't even have to say Native American, just native but so we're the Mexicans native to this country. Here we go again, white old racist men forcing minorities into their ways of thinking and believing. I'm a mix of Mexican and Native and my ancestors were forced to believe in religion, forced to speak another language, forced away from their home and lands! Now this shit! It scares me to the core! I have Africans in my family and I fear for them too! We shouldn't be regressing to anything like this! We need to get rid of all of these conservatives and send them somewhere to live they way they think is right. This is just so offensive to me!

First Americans please.... After all they came across the Bering strait land bridge between 10 and 15 thousand years ago. While they were first arrivals they didn't actually evolve here but I do agree that European savages treated them in ways that by modern standards would be eligible for the death penalty and I would be happy to have supported.... Thomas Paine would have been reluctant to go that far but would have agreed to deportation at least.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Deported the colonizers

@michelle666gar Hell yes one reason Washington hated him so much was Paine wanted to give everyone the right to vote and free the slaves. By everyone I include the First Americans, women, and freed slaves regardless of the color of their skin...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz There should have never been slaves here.....

@michelle666gar He felt that way too as do I.... Slavery is counter productive a sound economy and in my eyes a violation of human decency... One of the reasons I despise religion so much is that it supports slavery.

@michelle666gar Do you know the history of pre-1492 Mexicans in their own land?

@yvilletom No, please teach me the history of Mexican's pre 1492

@yvilletom Probably she doesn't it isn't taught in schools you have to study these things independently... To learn them in school you have to study the history of cultures going back 10 to 15 thousand years in both North and South America while going for a5t least a Masters degree in History while even most with those degrees never learn it...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You're right, I don't, that's why I'm asking for a lesson on the subject, I love learning even though most of it is horrible and heartbreaking.

@michelle666gar You can start with the Aztecs there is a lot of history that intertwines with South America and Mexico there which will bring you up to the period of the Conquistadors. You can find that and go from there online but to learn even a substantial part of that history could take you years.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz The Conquistadores were Spaniards and they bought diseases to the Aztec's and forced them into the Catholic religion and forced them to speak Spanish.

@michelle666gar Yes but before they were conquerors themselves... Study them and then learn about the cultures they destroyed... Going backwards from a known point can make it easier to understand. This is what search engines are for.

@michelle666gar I would have written “pre-1776” but didn’t want you to blame English colonists for what Mexicans did in their own land. To young men it was brutal.

@yvilletom I see, I know the Aztec's had their own slaves and practiced cannibalism.

@michelle666gar, @Lizard_of_Ahaz

Religion supports physical slavery.

Religion requires mental and emotional self-slavery.

@yvilletom True!


Yikes! Can't even imagine it. I realize we have some problems, authoritarian rule will not solve any of them.


possibly, if it were me. probably not tho. the hours would suck.


No, and hell no! Trump is not Maduro and this is not Venezuela. I think of one of the leaders of The Heritage Foundation saying "the transition will be bloodless if the left will allow it." Then there is the reason they have to do this. You cannot be pro life and pro abortion at the same time. This is "wokeism" and wokeism must be stopped. So, authoritarian rule will step in to stop 2 opinions. That's right, opinions. Yes, I can just see that working right now.


A you tube song, “No, no, a thousand times no.”

I knew it when I was a kid.

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