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Every problem has a resolution, every question an answer -- yes or no?

bleurowz 8 May 8

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zesty Level 7 July 11, 2019

Yes. Whether it's to our satisfaction is a different question.




Unfortunately no!


It's not about having an answer, it's about looking for it....


No, unfortunately.


42! No, unless you say that we may never know is an answer or resolution. I don't think this should keep us from searching, but, since we a limited creatures we will always be limited in our understanding.


Donald Rumsfeld
"Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones."

cava Level 7 May 8, 2018

One of the only things that man said that even made a little sense!


No and yes.


Don't forget the language frames the subject. Problem? Challenge? Test? Same thing different perception. Questions are like rabbit holes - a well placed why can keep one falling.


No. some questions for your answers.....




I don't understand why Westerners are so obsessed with BINARY answers to questions. Yes/no, black/white, on/off...

Sometimes answers are really personal preference. Dog/cat?


Yes that is true.

The problem is a proper combination of available time, timing, knowledge, and resources.

Available Time: If a baseball is flying at your head, you may not have time to avoid it.
Timing: Smallpox used to be a big problem, now we've developed vaccines.
Knowledge: There is an answer to how gravity works, we just haven't found it.
Resources: The human race has everything it needs to build a spaceship to Mars and has for years now. No single entity has been able to collect all the necessary resources.


For every resolution it's possible to find a different problem.... You go ahead establish your own conclusions


Either one


Several resolutions. several answers.


Well some questions don't have have a good answer..Just a less crappy answer.


No. Not all problems have a resolution. Some questions will never by answered to satisfaction. Some answers might even be technically correct, but will never prove acceptable to those asking the questions.


Eventually. Whether we live long enough to see it resolved is another matter entirely.

You are right.


Sure but they are not always resolved in the way you want and the answers sometimes suck.

MsAl Level 8 May 8, 2018

Just wondering what the resolution would be to the book burnings, or genocide? Sure we can take action to prevent those things but what resolve will there be when we pump out the oil from the planet? If aliens are real and wish us harm? If you legs were blown off and you were alone miles from any help? NO! Not every problem can be resolved. People really need to think more about prevention because we cannot always fix things once they are broken.


You are often on the path to the solution already ... you just have a different time reference for a solution. we expect answers on OUR time schedule and thats not always the case.

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