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LINK Luntz: Trump ‘committing political suicide’ as Harris seizes ‘intensity advantage’

Longtime GOP pollster Frank Luntz said in a Wednesday interview he is seeing a “broad shift” in the 2024 polls toward Vice President Harris as she rides her “intensity advantage” and as former President Trump increasingly commits “political suicide.”

Luntz said Harris’s recent enthusiasm boost has tapped into part of the electorate that might not have otherwise voted in November had President Biden remained the party’s nominee. He predicted that could have a downballot effect in an interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

“She’s bringing out people who are not interested in voting for either Trump or Biden. So the entire electoral pool has changed,” Luntz said. “And if it continues in this direction, you have to start to consider Democrats winning the Senate and Democrats winning the House.

HippieChick58 9 Aug 15

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Surprise, surprise, surprise NOT. Of course he opens mouth and inserts ass. The more stress the more insane remarks. Even some of those in his enabling party are cautioning him to keep quiet. Good luck with that. Still, it seems the quality of Kamala and her new running mate has clearly demonstrated a huge difference in their platforms (if the MAGA crowed even had one outside of removing rights, nasty name calling and violence). She has really given us something to look forward to instead of dread.


Ah yes, but winning an election is one thing; claiming and certifying an election in the US, that is another thing entirely now.


I am more concerned about the election certifiers they are putting in place in swing states.


Trump has become reckless in what he says.
He's lost his mind

Unity Level 8 Aug 15, 2024

I'm not sure if it is senior dementia, or if he's just gone batsh1t crazy.

Trump is incapable of admitting he made any mistakes, so it follows he can't learn from them. His win in 2016 convinced him he was a political genius, so all he can do is double down on what worked for then. Kamala is running a vastly better campaign than Clinton did, and knows how to push Trump's buttons. It's going to get much worse for him, though sadly no matter how badly he is trounced he'll claim victory. I'm expecting something even worse than Jan 6, but this time Trump will be going to gitmo afterwards. Fun times.

@Druvius I agree with you. I can't see Trump accepting a loss. His cult members are probably prepared to act up when he loses

@Unity And this concerns me, too! BUT--he may have taken us by surprise last time..not this time! And he doesn't control the Nat'l Guard, etc now.

His father had dementia at the same age the pustule is now. His personality grows increasingly nasty....very symptomatic.

@Unity Yes, if he holds a rally near the capitol there will be thousands of troops on hand, not just a handful of Capitol police.

@Druvius And it'll be a much different event....I hope they'll have wagons ready to take the rioters to the slammer!

@pamagain Lets hope it escalates very quickly.

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