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LINK Pope tells US Catholics to choose 'lesser evil' between Harris, Trump

This pretty much captures my feeling about that old duffer and that corrupt church.

Harris is only the 'lesser evil' compared to Trump. Why? Because she intends to return abortion rights to Americans.

Actually, it touches on a point that I've been aware of for some time, namely that it's not just the crazy Evangelicals who support Trump, but I suspect the mainstream churches as well, though they won't come out and say it. They are hanging on to coat tails of Trumpism, because of abortion, the intolerance of diversity and all that goes with these issues. Sure you get some individual religious people saying that Trump doesn’t reflect real Christian values ( whatever they are), but for the most part I have not heard churches in America publicly denounce him. And here we have Pope Frank speaking for the church and saying one candidate is only the lesser evil of the two. He doesn't even say which.


David1955 8 Sep 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Given that the Catholics contributed so many Nazis to Germany, and now to the US, the Pope is solidly revealed to be another wholly immoral degenerate; another in a long line of psychopathic pedophile protectors. I wish the Hispanics would notice that Catholics are not their friends and have no problem siding with those that eagerly seek to murder them in yet another genocide. The same for women, Blacks, LBTGQ, Jews,... it's a long list...

(As Trump says he wants to deport all the pet-eating Haitians, even though they are here legally. )


There are currently six Catholic justices on our Supreme Court and while not all of them are the Opus Dei variety, they've done a lot of damage. I didn't hear the pope criticize their decision to give the president immunity, either, but the Church always tolerated fascism well.

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