14 0

This site is sooo full of fake headlines and just fake as well IMO.

Why exactly is there many posts about Christianity here? Them people are fake. Or they really trying to change you guys? I'm out of this site. Won't ever look back at it. So dead anyways. They probably gone think the one who created this site is fake and Christian. I laugh at that. But anyways. Just trying to choose a Category for this and I saw Religion/Spirituality. Shit man, I thought I was wrong cause initially I was going to write this site fake as headline because of something else but never thought it would be because they placed Religion as a topic. Why'd you place Religion as a topic? I feel it's fake. I wonder. Anyways I'm out of this site.

gamerfrenzy954 2 Sep 14

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Religion can have a negative effect on people with schizophrenia. Due to their religious framework, some people experience greater symptoms more likely to affect their quality of life.
Wish him well, get well.


Peekaboo, I see you, you are still here.

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 16, 2024

There are none so blind as those who will not see.


This site has been to hell and back and we lost an admin along the way. None of us know who admin is but he might be around just enough to let us keep going. We lost many members during all of this and lots of people continue to think this is a dating site. I suppose we can meet and date if we want to. Now let's drift into religion. A person would think the word "agnostic" which is in our title might have something to do with religion. I'm not sure of what other things I am agnostic about. Can you be an agnostic baker? If you think religion is fake and we talk too much about religion, we think it is fake too. A great many of us here were once into religion and saw the fake first hand. I suppose this is just a game you do not want to play. Goodbye.


This is the longest conversation without a comment. Did he just shit on us and left?
I Don't feel one tiny bit more religious or fake, just wasted some time.


The site will probably smell sweeter tomorrow


Okay, o you angry one. So bad for your health. I’d sincerely hope you go back to school though. There is so much for you to learn, starting with English would be great.


Like they like to say in Georgia, don’t let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya….😇


So you've been on this site since late August, never posted or commented until now, never filled out the questionnaire, not joined any groups, and generally not participated, not so much as a hello. No wonder you don't get anything out of it. Stick around, join some groups, ask some questions, participate. You get out what you put in. Give something a chance, explore it, before you give up.

He has only two posts and no comments.
Both posts only talk about Christian topics here being fake.
He convince myself it's all fake fake fake.
That's so surreal. He said he may date someone out of his area, How dose he have faith enough that they are not fake?

@Castlepaloma both posts were the same, His statement is like someone that goes to one AA meeting, heads to a bar and says it doesn't work.

Bleh, good riddance.

@annewimsey500 you & he two of a kind or just opposite sidedes of the same bad coin Anne?

@glennlab I’m not a betting man, but I’m saying he’s a repub for sure….👀


I kinda understand your point. It's like you hate something or someone, like Christianity or Trump, and you have the urge that you must tell everyone how much you hate them, day in day out - that's what some do on this site (and on any social media platforms for that matter). It's a strange mentality.
When I come on this site, the first thing I usually have to do is to scroll through several anti-Christianity memes - that's tiresome, if I'm honest.

Meanwhile, I assumed that you'd left this site after you posted your rant "I'm out of this site", but I realise that you are still here. That's probably because you want to check what responses you've got before leaving, right? That is also a strange mentality; disingenuous, i.e. fake.😆

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 15, 2024

I've been to, two atheist sites. Their largest topics posts are about Religion . Wonder why atheist have the greatest knowledge about worldwide Religions. Being agnostic myself and find this site agnostic. com far less religious content.

Good luck with atheist websites. It's like don't think about blue and that's what you can't help thinking about is Blue. Still 75% of the world population is religious. Good luck in the wild blue yonder.


omg, REALLY???? How could we have gone on this long without knowing the TRUTH? For seven years I've shared so much conversation, music, debate, laughter, life experiences, and general mental health support (and more) with this community and it was all FAKE??? Thank you for your deep insight after a cursory perusal of the site.

Dude, this site has the most compassionate, intelligent, tolerant, and supportive group of people you will ever find online ... maybe offline, too. So much so that we would welcome you back if you ever decide to make an effort and stop verbally attacking us. If not, then maybe you need to explore yourself about the meaning of "fake."

Damn Straight!!!!!!

@Lauren @annewimsey500 I have met some people from this site in real life, this person has no idea what can be possible!

Speak for yourself! I don’t want anything to do with that Yuge loser!!😇

@michelle666gar @annewimsey500 EXACTLY!!! I've rarely found the possibilities of this site in any other community I've visited. I love you guys! 🙂

@Aaron70 That's totally fair and absolutely your call! 🙂

@Lauren I love you and mostly everyone in this site too, very valued friendships have been made here!

@michelle666gar They have, very much so! 🌻🌻🌻

@Lauren 💐💐💐


Kool. Buh Bye then hun

Leetx Level 7 Sep 15, 2024
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