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LINK Anjelah Johnson-Reyes Learns About The South | Say I Won't - YouTube

Poking fun at the South ... and also poling a little fun at religion ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Funny lady. 🤣


When I had Covid I was off work for a month and all those Red state people were saying it must be something else.

My sister had Covid, but she never completely got over it as she has "long Covid". She can no longer work. Her symptoms reminds of an old apartment manager's wife who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". It makes me think that Corona Viruses have been around and causing problems before Covid-19.

@snytiger6 They were. We last had SARS over 100 years ago. Like most flu-like viruses it simply mutated and that killer strain of it went away.

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