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Opinion seems to be that the Israeli Jews have made a big mistake releasing the enhanced (?) drone video of Hamas leader Sinwar last seconds before his murder. What do you think?

Here is but one example of the comments now being made & reported around the world:

Middle East Eye

Malaysia's prime minister, Anwar Ibrahim, has condemned the killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

"Once again, the international community has failed to uphold and ensure peace and justice, further worsening the conflict," he said on Facebook on Saturday.

He urged the international community to demand an immediate halt to Israel's killing of Palestinians in Gaza.

Ibrahim also mourned Sinwar's death, describing him on social media platform X as a "fighter and defender of the Palestinian people" who was "brutally murdered by the barbaric Zionist regime"

FrayedBear 9 Oct 19

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I think that mofo is as dead as a door nail, but I also think he will be quickly replaced.


Taking out a bloody terrorist is not murder; it's justice.

It's a question of a person is, of a freedom fighter on their own soil for their family?. Or is a terrorist to a illegal alien politicans and their trained killers?.

A murderer is 9 times out of 10 a soldier in a uniform. Young men to kill poor people they don't know. Hired by old men who do know each other..

@Castlepaloma I don't really disagree with the generalities you put forth. But we are talking about one person, who was demonstrably a terrorist. October 7 was a terrorist attack. The mastermind of that attack was obviously a terrorist.


It's like everything started on October 7th. . Forget all about the occupation,, apartheid" genocide, stealing houses, mass murder, constantly moving refugees for 75 year.

October 7th, 2023 was, of course, also the day when Hamas took 254 people hostage – including 12 Americans. An estimated 101 of those hostages still remain in Gaza, Which was their aim to take hostages for the 10,000 prisoners detention, that Israel took of Palestinians. It ended up a slaughter on both sides with also 337 Israeli soldier killed. .

A nazis terrorist is like the ones that kill 37 times greater people, by shooting kids in the head and burning people at hospital and bombing more tonage greater than world war 2 combined.

@Castlepaloma If you have been paying attention at all then you know I view Netanyahu as a war criminal.

So was the leader if Hamas. We have two extremist factions going at it, both committing war crimes. There is plenty of blame to go around.


To compare what Netanyahu and Israel to Hamas in criminal acts, to the middleeast. Makes Hamas look like a nursery. No wonder Israel is being attacked on 8 fronts. ⁸

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