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What genre of music do you listen to?

I listen to different genres of music. Pop, hip-hop, rock, and rap. My favorite artists are; Taylor Swift, Lil Jon, Three Days Grace, and Eminem. They are all in my playlists. What do you listen to?

Sarahroo29 8 Dec 12

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All kinds lol.

How do you put pics or YouTube in the comments?


@Sarahroo29 hmm, I’m not sure about that. Sorry I didn’t answer sooner.

I figured it out. That is why I wrote nevermind. I'm not mad. Happy Holidays!


I listen to almost any genre of music. Here's a couple of my new favorite tunes right now:

Duke Level 8 Dec 19, 2017

I don't stick with genre's, but I do tend to gravitate towards Prog Rock and Metal a bit more often than others.


I listen to just about anything. "There are two kinds of music: good and bad." Duke Ellington. Having said that if forced to make a choice my favorite is ska.

Never heard of these artists.

Duke Ellington is a famous big band, jazz artist. Ska is a type of music from Jamaica and is what Reggae grew out of.

Remember back in the 80's when ska was labeled as racist because a lot of the guys who played it shaved their heads? Nothing could have been farther from the truth.

@webbew1 Skinheads started as multiracial. Then the Nazis ruined it for everyone. Don't they always?


Easier to say what I DON'T listen to: C&W, most opera, and certain kinds of jazz that are probably great to play but boring as hell to listen to.

I'll give most other things a hearing -
classical (e.g. Beethoven, Shostakovich, Glass, Prokofiev)
female vocal (e.g. Enya, Carla Bruni, Sarah Brightman)
70s pop (Beatles, Moody Blues, ELO)
some film music, Portuguese and African music and lots else.
(Even a lot of sacred music, if I dare say it in this group.)

Nice selection.


Country & Hawaiin


I like most types of music in some respect or other. I listen mostly to pop and rock. But I love Andrea Boccelli and Sarah Brightman, classical opera. Little country, some alternative, hip hop, & rap.

I can not sit still when music is playing. A toe is tapping, or my hand and with some I'm up and moving to the beat (I wouldn't necessarily call it


Got to see Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford in the original touring production of Phantom Of The Opera. I've seen Phantom four more times since, and no other pair has even come close to being as good as they were.


I grew up on rock and metal in the '80s, like Van Halen, AC/DC, Metallica, Guns N' Roses, and Motley Crue to name a few (and some Def Leppard, Beastie Boys, and RUN DMC, too). As I got older, I got more into Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Ozzy, and King Diamond. I always had a soft spot for Billy Joel and The Cure in the meantime, but I never felt the need to collect their albums until recently.

When I got in high school, I got into Eric Clapton and Dream Theater. Come college, I met some new friends who got me into Oingo Boingo--Danny Elfman's old band. Then I got XM Radio and got into David Bowie, Porcupine Tree, Sonata Arctica, The Pixies, Depeche Mode, and several other non-metal bands. I was also taking guitar lessons and got into classical music.

I guess you could say I like metal, but if it's newer than the '90s, chances are I won't like them (I do like Gojira and Baroness, though). The metal I like tends to be melodic and intense without being technical masturbation, like Anthrax and Dio. But I'll listen to anything if it sounds good, like PJ Harvey or Regina Spektor.

I think my favorite metal bands are Metallica, King Diamond, and Iron Maiden, and my favorite non-metal bands are The Cure, David Bowie, and Oingo Boingo.

I was born in 1988.

I remember when satellite radio was good. Then Sirius and XM merged and it really jumped the shark. Good luck hearing Porcupine Tree, Sonata Arctica or Gojira on there these days.

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