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Favorite Author? Just one!

For me, Gabriel García Márquez. I have had many most favorites over the years and binged them all but Gabo has spoiled me for the rest. I re-re-read him and am now struggling to read the originals in Spanish

TravelinTom 5 May 13

Enjoy being online again!

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61 comments (51 - 61)

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Alastair Reynolds.

Gohan Level 7 May 13, 2018

This is actually a tough question. For me it depends on the genres as to who my favorite author is. If I have to just name one I guess it would be George RR Martian. I enjoy the world he created, the death of his characters, the story lines and the allegory.


Julio Cortázar.


Donna Tartt.


Adam Gopnick. Bet a lot of people are not even aware of him.
Now you should make a question about who one thinks is the worst author in the world but has made tons of $$$$ or ££££ for our British friends


Peal S. Buck

But many many others too


Hortense Callisher

Andee Level 4 May 13, 2018

Ooooo, tough one! If i had to narrow it to one, it would be Lovecraft. Just the way he wrote....we need to all start speaking like he wrote.


Oscar Wilde ❤️


Robert Rankin

I’ve been reading his books for a long time and been very fortunate to become good friends with him too.

Armageddon The Musical is a good place to start with. Or The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies Of The Apocalypse (which is like Blade Runner in Toytown)

Humourous and silly, his books are easy reading that will keep you entertained with silly running gags and bizarre characters.


Anne Rule

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