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If you were given the opportunity to get away with any crime for 24 hours, would you commit any crimes?

EmeraldJewel 7 May 15

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So, I get away with it for 24 hours, but after the 24 hours is up, then what?

If it were stated that I had 24 hours in which to commit any crime with which I'd get away with that would be more tempting.


I thought of robbing a bank but then someone would probably rob me for my stash. I'm staying home lol.


I've a shovel and a 45.... and a list of names.


fuck yes. the government and rich do it all the time.

Screw the system over big time lmfao!


No, I would be too scared that I would go to hell, he, he.


No. I don't decide what I'll do or not do, based on whether it's a crime.


I take it you mean that you could get away with any crime you committed in this 24 hour period, as opposed to just not getting caught for 24 hours.
Yes, most certainly. I would not do "BAD" things, just things that were against the law.


There are a few persons I would like to kill,Yes, but I would also be in the same boat ! Lol

Hahaha! I’d probably be robbing banks left and right.

Afterbyou have robbed them can we get together ?? LOL

@EmeraldJewel I'm with you on that one, just leave the back doors open please.

And all the windows, but I live on the 4th floor ?? Lol

@VAL3941 yep!

I might run away with all your stolen money ??


If it meant I could rectify an injustice that the law has failed to act on, yes.


Most definately.


No.... Duke I've seen some stuff. It's best to be a good guy. At any price. You would believe what it takes to get a good job around here. Theres the TWIC we have to wear because we have access to ships. Background checks. I would rather eat out of a trash can then get in trouble. I've sponsored people in recovery. Its terrible.

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