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Do you get ready for work or going out at home entirely or in your car, or half and half?

I don’t believe I have ever gotten ready for work or going out somewhere, in my car. Always finished getting ready and then head out.

How about you? Does it bother you to see guys using an electric razor while driving, or ladies putting on make up/brushing hair?

MyLiege 7 May 16

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At home. hard to put on pants while driving. Working the clutch is especially hard.


At home only.


We do like to multi-task in our cars, don’t we? It’s not enough of a challenge too successfully navigate a two-ton internal combustion engine at speeds up to 80 miles per hour amongst dozens of other experience and not so experienced drivers. Fear is the feeling I most experience when observing other drivers performing their morning rituals including and especially the texting and driving ritual. It’s especially challenging when you are walking on these same streets. Most drivers have complete blind spots for walkers.


I'm always ready before I leave the house. I'm not coordinated enough to put on makeup and drive.


In the past I occasionally would do some things while driving. The worst was if I'd just shampooed my hair and I didn't have time to dry it I would just stick my head out the window for the blow dryer effect. Haven't done anything that stupid in decades although it probably helps I don't have any hair to shampoo anymore (at least on top of my head 😉 ) . My mother was the worst. She would do any and everything while driving. Can't count the number of times I had to take the wheel while she did her hair, make-up, nails etc. She's had a few accidents because of that too. No other cars, just her. Within the past month she's finally given up driving. Guess I won't expect that phone call from a state trooper anymore.


It takes so little for me to get prepared. Brush my teeth, maybe a shower, get dressed, done.


Before I go.
And yes, seeing anyone doing such while driving ....
well, I get past them or back off.


I’m ready before I leave the house.


I am fully prepared to leave the house BEFORE I leave the house. No exceptions.

Right on sistah!


Only at home. But I do pick my nose in the car, ha ha. Hey...maybe that's a question to post; ' How many of you pick your nose while driving', haaaa ha!


You reminded me, college in 70's a car full of girls 30 mins in the parking lot of the school putting up makeup, we guys thought they were smoking weed.... nope, it was makeup time. In those days I have a huge afro, will take me about 15 minutes to get it in shape how I wanted, that was before breakfast. Afro pick time!


At home. Always.


I get ready entirely at home but if I see a woman doing her hair in the car in front and she looks in the rear view I will give her a thumbs up or a 'nice' gesture 🙂

That's an awfully nice thing to do. Good on ya!


There’s so little that I do to get ready, I can’t imagine doing it in a car. I have oiled my beard in the car, though, but not as driver.


I do like 95% house/5% car. I kinda laugh at people doing make-up or shaving or both while driving.

I wish they'd get tickets for doing that. It's unacceptable and dangerous.

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