1: Drink. Every now and then I actually get drunk.
2: Smoke a bowl.
3: Meditate. Often I meditate on how much I’m enjoying being drunk or high.
4: A visit to peaceful outdoor setting.
5: Walking (though not if I’m drunk as it becomes stumbling).
6: Watch a comedy or drama about other people having problems.
7: Drink some more.
I go to my farm and work on my tiny house or just do some repairs or cleaning up around the place. I keep in touch with the land from my formative period.
I don't get stressed to start with.
Not worth it.
Best attitude.
Bike and write. Not necessarily in that order. And crying sometimes really does help.
Read, go for a walk. Reading is like meditating for me. It takes me away from the stress. Walking, not so much. I'm still thinking about the situation but it gets the blood flowing, and hopefuuly, some will reach my brain so I can figure out what needs to be done.
The most sensible thing I do is meditate. But mostly it is vast consumption of wine and chocolate
Go out and pull weeds! OK, I'll give myself a few minutes to indulge in the panic, but then it's figuring out 1) What is the real problem? 2) Can I do anything about it? 3) Should I be involved? 4) Is it possible/practical/desirable for me to do so? 5) Will my efforts be welcomed, or can I make a positive difference? If I can make a difference with action, I will act. But it requires those minutes of calming, thinking, planning, and evaluating before proceeding to the action.
Run around the room with my arms flailing about in the air screaming, "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!"
Eat. Complain a lot.
I love complaining. It is the best therapy. The key though is to find someone who will listen!!!!
step back from whats stressing me and do something else.
I have to think about this in depth.
There is intellectual stress, emotional stress, and physical stress. Those are all I can think of right now.
For intellectual stress, I just play with my arousal level, and come up with strategies.
For emotional stress, I just eat or drink what I need to eat or drink to get my energy. Making to-dos, and trying to get as much stuff done as possible to lighten my burden of menial tasking helps me out. Technological solutions like e-mail and such are my go-to because they can kill a problem quick.
For physical stress, there is the strength and endurance components. I absolutely have to lighten up my load, and/or change up my technique. Tendons and ligaments do NOT like to be strained and take a while to heal. For endurance, I have to change up my technique.
It really depends on how stressed out I am. I will cry, exercise, or go get ice cream. I always regret getting the ice cream, and honestly the exercise always makes me feel the best.